{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1 \deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Arial;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue128;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green128\blue0;\red128\green0\blue128; \red128\green0\blue0;\red128\green128\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;\red192\green192\blue192;}{\stylesheet{\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\cgrid \snext0 Normal;}{\*\cs10 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}{\s15\widctlpar\adjustright \f1 \sbasedon0 \snext0 header;}}{\info{\title HTML 4}{\author Robert Voelcker}{\operator Robert Voelcker}{\creatim\yr2000\mo6\dy6\hr13\min41}{\revtim\yr2000\mo6\dy6\hr13\min42}{\version1}{\edmins1}{\nofpages3}{\nofwords721}{\nofchars4110}{\*\company Ziff-Davis Education} {\nofcharsws5047}{\vern113}}\widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\formshade\viewkind1\viewscale100\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot \fet0\sectd \linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2 \pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6 \pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\cgrid {\b\f1\fs28\cf1 HTML 4.01: Web Authoring, Level 2 \par }\pard\plain \s15\widctlpar\adjustright \f1 {\b\fs28\cf1 \par }\pard\plain \widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\cgrid {\b\f1\cf1 Course specifications \par }{\f1\cf1 Course number: 077 911 \par Course length: 1 day \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Hardware/software required to run this course \par \par }{\f1\cf1 To run this course, you will need: \par \par Windows 95, 98, NT or 2000, or Macintosh O/S 8.0 or higher. \par At least 16 MB RAM (32 MB or more is strongly recommended. \par A 486 or faster processor (Pentium or equivalent is strongly recommended.). \par An 800x600 or higher resolution monitor set to a minimum of 256 colors. If your monitor doesn't support 256 colors, images and text will not display as shown throughout the book. }{\b\f1\cf1 For better image quality, we recommend setting monitors to High Color (16-Bit). \par }{\f1\cf1 A working connection to the Internet. \par Netscape Navigator 4.5 or later. If you use Netscape Navigator 6, you won't be able to duplicate the observations of Navigator 4.x rendering. \par Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later. \par If you want to test submitting forms via email, configure the email client on your browser. \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Course description \par \par Overview:}{\f1\cf1 \par \par This cou rse was developed primarily for Internet Explorer 5.0 for Windows and Netscape Navigator 4.7 for Windows. Other versions of these browsers might lead to different results than indicated in the task observations. The course was also tested using Internet E xplorer 5 and Netscape Navigator 4.6 for the Macintosh. Where necessary, support issues for certain browsers are mentioned in task steps or in notes along the margins of relevant tasks. \par \par This course is meant to provide you with the tools to create your own HTML documents. The sample files are not necessarily intended as design suggestions or principles. The course files are meant to provide the student with solutions that are easy to grasp, and to a certain extent, represent realistic applications. The con c epts and tasks in this book are designed for sequential completion. Each topic builds on previous experience, so it makes sense to complete the tasks in the order they appear. You might want to skip certain tasks if you are already familiar with the mater ial, but in some cases, this might lead to different results than you'll see in the screenshots throughout the book. \par \par Some of the files for this course have "solution files" that you can use to check your work if you're not sure how to proceed in a task. These files begin with x, followed by the name of the file they're associated with. \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Prerequisites:}{\f1\cf1 \par \par This course is designed for the student who is an experienced computer user, is familiar with the Internet, and is familiar with HTML. This course does not provide basic computer, Internet, or introductory HTML concepts. A student who isn't familiar with basic computer terminology, or who hasn't used the Internet or HTML should first take the following Element K courses: \par \par Windows 95: Introduction or Windows 98: Introduction \par Netscape Communicator or Internet Explorer 4.0: Introduction \par HTML 4.01: Web Authoring, Level 1 \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Delivery method:}{\f1\cf1 Instructor-led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities. \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Benefits:}{\f1\cf1 Students will learn how to create Web sites with a variety of HTML elements and attributes, and create well-formed code that complies with the XHTML standard. \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Target student:}{\f1\cf1 Students enrolling in this course should have a solid foundation in HTML basics or should already have taken Level 1 of this 2-part course series. \par \par }{\b\f1\fs28\cf1 HTML 4.01: Web Authoring, Level 2 \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Performance-based objectives \par }{\f1\cf1 Lesson objectives help students become comfortable with the course, and also provide a means to evaluate learning. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: \par \par Create well-formed code that conforms to the XHTML standard. \par Modify tables and create nested tables. \par Control the sizing, spacing, and alignment of images, and understand how image maps work. \par Create Web forms with a variety of different controls. \par Modify form attributes to make forms more usable and navigable. \par Apply the meta tag and understand how JavaScript is embedded into HTML documents. \par Create framed pages. \par Use style sheets (CSS) to design Web documents. \par \par }{\b\f1\fs28\cf1 HTML 4.01: Web Authoring, Level 2 \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Course content \par \par \par Lesson 1: The New HTML \par }{\f1\cf1 Authoring with HTML 4.01 \par The Advent of XHTML \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Lesson 2: Advanced Tables \par }{\f1\cf1 Adding Images and Links \par Adding Color to Tables \par Creating Nested Tables \par Using Tables for Page Layout \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Lesson 3: Graphics and Image Maps \par }{\f1\cf1 Sizing, Spacing and Aligning Images \par Creating Image Maps \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Lesson 4: Creating Forms \par }{\f1\cf1 Introduction to Forms \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Lesson 5: Creating Forms, Part 2 \par }{\f1\cf1 Applying Other Input Types \par Setting Input Type Attributes \par Creating a Text Area Field \par Creating Select Lists \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Lesson 6: Applying the Meta Tag and JavaScript \par }{\f1\cf1 The Tag \par JavaScript in HTML Documents \par \line }{\b\f1\cf1 Lesson 7: Frames \par \tab \tab }{\f1\cf1 Introduction to Frames \par \tab \tab Applying Frame Attributes \par \tab \tab Using Nested Framesets \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Lesson 8: \tab Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets \par \tab \tab }{\f1\cf1 Introduction to CSS \par \tab \tab Working with Properties and Selectors \par \tab \tab Linked (external) Style Sheets \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1 Additional information: \par \par }{\f1\cf1 Appendix A: HTML/CSS Quick Reference}{\f1 \par }}