{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1 \deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604020202020204}Arial;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue128;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green128\blue0;\red128\green0\blue128; \red128\green0\blue0;\red128\green128\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;\red192\green192\blue192;}{\stylesheet{\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\cgrid \snext0 Normal;}{\*\cs10 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}}{\info{\title Microsoft Project 2000: Level 2} {\author Robert Voelcker}{\operator Robert Voelcker}{\creatim\yr2000\mo7\dy11\hr8\min45}{\revtim\yr2000\mo7\dy11\hr8\min46}{\version1}{\edmins1}{\nofpages5}{\nofwords952}{\nofchars5428}{\*\company Ziff-Davis Education}{\nofcharsws6665}{\vern113}} \widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\formshade\viewkind4\viewscale100\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot \fet0\sectd \linex0\endnhere\sectdefaultcl {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}} {\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (} {\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \ri932\sl240\slmult0\keepn\widctlpar\adjustright \fs20\cgrid {\b\f1\fs28\cf1\cgrid0 Microsoft Project 2000: Level 2 \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\f1\fs28\cf1\cgrid0 \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\keepn\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\f1\fs24\cf1\cgrid0 Course specifications \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Course number: 076 723 \par Software version number: 9.0 \par Course length: 1 day(s) \par \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\keepn\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\f1\fs24\cf1\cgrid0 Hardware/software required to run this course \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 In order to run this course, you will need: \par \par A Pentium 75-megahertz or higher processor. \par A minimum of 24 MB of RAM for Windows 95 or Windows 98. (For Windows 2000 or Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or later with Service Pack 3 or later, 40 MB of RAM; 64 MB of RAM recommended for Windows 2000.) \par A minimum of 330 MB of available hard-disk space. \par A CD-ROM drive. \par A VGA or higher resolution monitor. (Super VGA is recommended.) \par A Microsoft mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse, or compatible pointing device. \par Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0. \par A custom installation of Microsoft Project 2000. \par A custom installation of Microsoft Office 2000, if you\rquote re completing the optional tasks in Lesson 6. \par \par See your reference manual for hardware considerations that apply to your specific hardware setup. \par \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\keepn\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\f1\fs24\cf1\cgrid0 Course description \par \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Overview:}{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Students will learn how to use Microsoft Project 2000 to manage a project. This course meets the Microsoft Proficiency Guidelines for Microsoft Project 2000 at the Expert level. \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Prerequisites:}{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 }{\i\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Microsoft Project 2000: Level 1}{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 , or equivalent knowledge. \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Delivery method:}{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Instructor-led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities. \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Benefits:}{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Students will learn how to track and modify a project that is in progress. \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Target student:}{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Students enrolling in this course should have completed the }{\i\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Microsoft Project 2000: Level 1}{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 course and be familiar with project management terminology such as Gantt Chart, task, critical path, and resource. \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 What's next:}{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 }{\i\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Microsoft Project 2000: Level 2 }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 is the second course in this series. }{\i\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Microsoft Project 2000: Advanced}{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 , the last course in this series, teaches students advanced features of Microsoft Project 2000, including working with Project Central. Students who want to learn advanced features can take }{\i\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Microsoft Project 2000: Advanced}{ \f1\cf1\cgrid0 . \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\keepn\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \page \par }{\b\f1\fs28\cf1\cgrid0 Microsoft Project 2000: Level 2 \par \par }{\b\f1\fs24\cf1\cgrid0 Performance-based objectives \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Lesson objectives help students become comfortable with the course, and also provide a means to evaluate learning. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: \par \par }\pard \fi-360\li720\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 *\tab Create a baseline plan. \par *\tab Track an active project. \par *\tab Manage tasks that will occur in the future. \par *\tab Work with resource needs. \par }\pard \li360\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 *\tab Customize Microsoft Project. \par *\tab Work with data in other applications. \par *\tab Work with a resource pool and subprojects and master projects. \par \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \par \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\keepn\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\f1\fs24\cf1\cgrid0 New features covered in this series \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Below is a table listing the new software features that are covered in ZD Education courseware: \par \par }\trowd \trgaph108 \clvertalt\cltxlrtb \cellx5616\clvertalt\cltxlrtb \cellx7344\clvertalt\cltxlrtb \cellx9072\clvertalt\cltxlrtb \cellx10800\pard \li40\ri40\sb120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 New Feature\cell }\pard \qc\li40\ri40\sb120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Introduction \par (076 722)\cell Intermediate \par (076 723)\cell Advanced \par (0## ###)\cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \row }\trowd \trgaph108 \clvertalt\cltxlrtb \cellx5616\clvertalt\cltxlrtb \cellx7344\clvertalt\cltxlrtb \cellx9072\clvertalt\cltxlrtb \cellx10800\pard \li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Adaptive menus\cell }\pard \qc\li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 X\cell X\cell X\cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright { \f1\cf1\cgrid0 \row }\pard \li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Add material resources\cell }\pard \qc\li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 X\cell \cell \cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \row }\pard \li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use month as a duration unit\cell }\pard \qc\li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright { \f1\cf1\cgrid0 X\cell \cell \cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \row }\pard \li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use variable row height\cell }\pard \qc\li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0 \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 X\cell \cell \cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \row }\pard \li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use Fill Handle feature\cell }\pard \qc\li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 X\cell \cell \cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \row }\pard \li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Enter an estimated duration for a task\cell }\pard \qc\li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 X\cell \cell \cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \row }\pard \li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0 \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use Network Diagram view\cell }\pard \qc\li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 X\cell X\cell \cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \row }\pard \li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Clear a baseline plan\cell }\pard \qc\li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \cell X\cell \cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright { \f1\cf1\cgrid0 \row }\pard \li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Set AutoSave feature\cell }\pard \qc\li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \cell X\cell \cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \row }\pard \li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Specify the default directory for project files\cell }\pard \qc\li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0 \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \cell X\cell \cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \row }\pard \li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Set priorities for tasks\cell }\pard \qc\li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \cell X\cell \cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \row }\trowd \trgaph108 \clvertalt\cltxlrtb \cellx5616\clvertalt\cltxlrtb \cellx7344 \clvertalt\cltxlrtb \cellx9072\clvertalt\cltxlrtb \cellx10800\pard \li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Contour the availability of resources\cell }\pard \qc\li40\ri40\sb120\sa120\sl240\slmult0 \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \cell X\cell \cell }\pard \widctlpar\intbl\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \row }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\keepn\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \page \par }{\b\f1\fs28\cf1\cgrid0 Microsoft Project 2000: Level 2 \par \par }{\b\f1\fs24\cf1\cgrid0 Course content \par \par }\pard \li360\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\f1\fs18\cf1\cgrid0 Lesson 1: Setting the Plan \par }\pard \fi-144\li864\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Creating a Baseline Plan \par \tab Task 1A-1: Viewing summary information statistics \par \tab Task 1A-2: Saving a baseline plan \par \tab Task 1A-3: Viewing baseline statistics \par Previewing a Baseline Report \par \tab Task 1B-1: Previewing a baseline report \par Clearing a Baseline \par \tab Task 1C-1: Clearing a baseline plan \par }\pard \li360\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \par }{\b\f1\fs18\cf1\cgrid0 Lesson 2: Tracking Project Progress \par }\pard \fi-144\li864\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Modifying the Environment for Tracking \par \tab Task 2A-1: Applying the Tracking Gantt Chart \par \tab Task 2A-2: Changing the current date \par Entering Data for Completed Tasks \par \tab Task 2B-1: Tracking a single task that started and finished on schedule \par \tab Task 2B-2: Tracking multiple tasks that started and finished on schedule \par \tab Task 2B-3: Tracking tasks that finished late \par Entering Actual Data for Tasks in Progress \par \tab Task 2C-1: Tracking tasks that are currently in progress \par \tab Task 2C-2: Entering a percent complete for unfinished tasks \par \tab Task 2C-3: Rescheduling uncompleted work \par \tab Task 2C-3: Viewing progress in the Network Diagram \par }\pard \li360\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \par }{\b\f1\fs18\cf1\cgrid0 Lesson 3: Adjusting the Schedule \par }\pard \fi-144\li864\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Adjusting the Schedule of Future Tasks \par \tab Task 3A-1: Changing task duration \par \tab Task 3A-2: Changing task constraints \par \tab Task 3A-3: Using the Detail Gantt view \par Setting and Displaying an Interim Plan \par \tab Task 3B-1: Creating an interim-plan table \par \tab Task 3B-2: Setting an interim plan \par \tab Task 3B-3: Copying the Tracking Gantt Chart \par \tab Task 3B-4: Customizing the Interim Tracking Gantt \par \tab \par }\pard \li360\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\f1\fs18\cf1\cgrid0 Lesson 4: Adjusting Resource Schedules \par }\pard \fi-144\li864\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Work-Hour Considerations \par \tab Task 4A-1: Managing resource-driven scheduling \par \tab Task 4A-2: Delaying resource work \par }\pard \li864\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Task 4A-3: Managing tasks with a fixed duration \par }\pard \fi-144\li864\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \tab Task 4A-4: Using percentages for resource allocations \par \tab Task 4A-5: Assigning overtime and recording overtime pay \par Customizing Resource Reports \par \tab Task 4B-1: Observing the Who Does What When report \par }\pard \li360\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \tab Task 4B-2: Customizing a report\page \par }{\b\f1\fs18\cf1\cgrid0 Lesson 5: Customizing the Microsoft Project Environment \par }\pard \fi-144\li864\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Working with Views \par \tab Task 5A-1: Customizing the Network Diagram \par \tab Task 5A-2: Creating a table view \par \tab Task 5A-3: Creating a combination view \par Working with Toolbars and Macros \par \tab Task 5B-1: Showing and hiding toolbars \par \tab Task 5B-2: Creating a macro \par \tab Task 5B-3: Assigning a macro to a toolbar \par \tab Task 5B-4: Resetting a toolbar \par Working with Global Settings \par \tab Task 5C-1: Creating a global view and global calendar \par \tab Task 5C-2: Deleting objects \par Using the Options Dialog Box \par }\pard \fi144\li720\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Task 5D-1: Changing default settings \par }\pard \li360\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \par }{\b\f1\fs18\cf1\cgrid0 Lesson 6: Working with Data in Other Applications \par }\pard \fi-144\li864\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Importing Data \par \tab Task 6A-1: Importing resource information from Microsoft Excel \par \tab Task 6A-2: Viewing the imported data \par Exporting Data \par \tab Task 6B-1: Exporting project information to Microsoft Excel \par \tab Optional Task 6B-2: Viewing the exported data \par }\pard \ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \tab Copying Data Into Other Office Applications \par }\pard \fi-144\li864\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \tab Optional Task 6C-1: Copying and pasting a Gantt Chart into a Microsoft Word document \par \tab Optional Task 6C-2: Copying and pasting sheet information into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet \par \par }\pard \li360\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\f1\fs18\cf1\cgrid0 Lesson 7: Working with Resource Pools and Consolidated Projects \par }\pard \fi-144\li864\ri932\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Working with a Resource Pool \par \tab Task 7A-1: Opening a resource pool \par \tab Task 7A-2: Linking a project to a resource pool \par \tab Task 7A-3: Updating the resource pool \par Working with Subprojects and Master Projects \par \tab Task 7B-1: Determining when to use a subproject \par \tab Task 7B-2: Linking a subproject to a master project \par \tab Task 7B-3: Linking tasks in a master project \par \tab Task 7B-4: Adding a task to a master project \par \tab Task 7B-5: Assigning resources \par \tab Task 7B-6: Setting baselines for a master project \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \page }{ \par }}