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If your monitors will not s upport this resolution, graphics and text will not be displayed properly. \par \pard \li720\widctlpar \par See your reference manual for hardware considerations that apply to your specific hardware setup. \par \par \par {\b\fs24 Course description \par \par }{\b Overview:} Students will learn how to use HTML to create Web pages. \par {\b \par Prerequisites:} Windows 95: Introduction or Windows 98: Introduction, Netscape Communicator 4.0/4.01: Introduction or Internet Explorer 4.0: Introduction, and HTML 4.0 Programming: Level 1. Students should also be familiar with using the Internet. \par \par {\b Delivery method:} Instructor-led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities. \par \par {\b Benefits:} Students will probably get the most out of this course if they want to learn to create Web pages with HTML code. Learning HTML code will also benefit students when they use HTML generation programs. \par \par {\b Target student:} The target student is one who wants to learn more about HTML programming or needs to create Web pages. \par \page {\b\fs28 HTML 4.0 Programming: Level 2 (Multi-platform) \par \par }{\b\fs24 Performance-based objectives \par \par }Lesson objectives help students become comfortable with the course, and also provide a means to evaluate learning. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: \par \par \pard \fi-360\li1440\widctlpar *\tab Create advanced tables, including nested tables. \par *\tab Size and place graphics, including imagemaps, in a Web page. \par *\tab Create Web forms. \par *\tab Create forms with advanced input types and attributes. \par *\tab Create and work with framed Web pages. \par *\tab Create documents that automatically display another page and documents that contain interactive JavaScripts and applets. \par *\tab Design Web pages using style sheets. \par \par \pard \li720\widctlpar \page {\b\fs28 HTML 4.0 Programming: Level 2 (Multi-platform) \par \par }{\b\fs24 Course content \par \par }{\b Lesson 1: Advanced tables \par } \par \pard \li1080\widctlpar A. Creating nested tables \par B. Using tables for page layout \par \par \pard \li720\widctlpar {\b Lesson 2: Graphics \par \par }\pard \li1080\widctlpar A. Incorporating graphics into a document \par B. Creating and using imagemaps \par {\b \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar {\b Lesson 3: Creating forms \par } \par \pard \li1080\widctlpar A. Introduction to forms \par \par \pard \li720\widctlpar {\b Lesson 4: Advanced forms \par } \par \pard \li1080\widctlpar A. Using advanced input types \par B. Setting input type attributes \par C. Creating a text area \par D. Creating form list boxes \par \par \pard \li720\widctlpar {\b Lesson 5: Frames \par }\pard \li1440\widctlpar \par \pard \li1080\widctlpar A. Overview of frames \par B. Creating frames \par C. Applying frame attributes \par D. Using nested framesets \par {\b \par }\pard \li720\widctlpar {\b Lesson 6: Dynamic and interactive documents \par \par }\pard \li1080\widctlpar A. Interactive Web pages \par B. JavaScript in HTML documents \par C. Java in HTML documents \par \par \pard \li720\widctlpar {\b Lesson 7: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS-1) \par } \par \pard \li1080\widctlpar A. Introduction to style sheets (CSS-1) \par B. Working with style sheet properties and selectors \par C. Linked style sheets \par }