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In addition, if you\rquote d like students to have an \tab \tab opportunity to use their own data files during practice time, suggest that they bring them. \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Excel\rquote s Analysis ToolPak installed and enabled for Lab Activity 1. \par }\pard \li360\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \par }{\b\f1\fs24\cf1\cgrid0 Lab description \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Overview:}{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Students will use a variety of functions and time-saving techniques with sample files consisting of a business\rquote personnel files, timesheets, exam scores, and project scheduling reports. Here are the activities covered: \par }\pard \sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Track elapsed time \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Get the information you need from your Excel list \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Simplify statistical analysis with functions \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Apply error-handling and auditing techniques \par }\pard \li360\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Delivery method:}{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 This model supports the Lab instructional method. Using this method, the instructor introduces a business scenario, demonstrates techniques for completing an activity, and then lets students complete the activity. \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Target student:}{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Students participating in this Lab should be educated Excel worksheet users who are familiar with: \par }\pard \sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Creating and saving a worksheet. \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Opening an existing worksheet and using simple editing techniques. \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Creating formulas by using some of Excel\rquote s basic built-in functions, including Sum and Average. \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Navigating and selecting ranges in a worksheet. \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Changing the appearance of data using formatting techniques. \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Moving and copying formulas and other data. \par }\pard \li360\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Prerequisite: }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 The following course (or equivalent knowledge):}{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 }{\i\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Excel 97: Worksheets. \par \par }{\b\f1\fs24\cf1\cgrid0 Objectives \par }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Upon successful completion of this Lab, students will be able to: \par }\pard \sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Create formulas and perform calculations involving date and time. \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use Database functions and filters to extract information they need from a worksheet. \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Do some data analysis using Excel\rquote s Statistical functions. \par }\pard \li360\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Handle formulas that sometimes result in errors; use Excel\rquote s auditing features.\page \par }{\b\f1\fs24\cf1\cgrid0 Lab content \par \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Lab Activity 1: Track elapsed time \par }\pard \sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Experiment with cell formats and dates \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use the Now function to keep the current date in a worksheet \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Create formulas to calculate elapsed time \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use the Workday function to calculate project due dates \par }\pard \li360\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Lab Activity 2: Get the information you need from your Excel list \par }\pard \sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use the Dsum function \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use the Dcount function \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use the Sumif function \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use the If function \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Apply filters \par }\pard \li360\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Lab Activity 3: Simplify statistical analysis with functions \par }\pard \sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use the Average, Median, and Mode functions \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use the Stdev function \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Find highs and lows with the Max and Min functions \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Count items in a list \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Apply filters to a list \par }\pard \li360\sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\cf1\cgrid0 \par }{\b\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Lab Activity 4: Apply error-handling and auditing techniques \par }\pard \sl240\slmult0\widctlpar\adjustright {\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use the Iserror function \par }{\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Nest the Iserror function within the If function \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f3\cf1\cgrid0 \'b7\tab }{\f1\cf1\cgrid0 Use Excel\rquote s auditing features}{ \par }}