{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20\par \b\fs32 Adobe\'ae Dreamweaver\'ae CS5: Level 2\par \b0\fs20\par \fs28 Course Specifications\par \fs20\par \b\fs24 Course number:\b0\fs20 084503\par \b\fs24 Course length:\b0\fs20 1.0 day(s)\par \par \b\fs28 Course Description\par \b0\fs20\par \b\fs24 Course Objective:\b0\fs20 You will develop professional-looking web pages using the Adobe\'ae Dreamweaver\'ae CS5 application.\par \par \b\fs24 Target Student:\b0\fs20 This course is intended for web developers, designers, and administrators who are familiar with the basic tools and features of Adobe\'ae Dreamweaver\'ae CS5 and want to expand on existing knowledge to gain intermediate to advanced skills for creating and maintaining more robust interactive websites. This course covers the Adobe\'ae Certified Associate and Adobe\'ae Certified Expert exam objectives, and is intended to help prepare students to take the Adobe Certified Associate exam and Adobe Certified Expert exam as well.\par \par Prerequisites: Before taking this course, it is recommended that the students take up the Adobe\'ae Dreamweaver\'ae CS5: Level 1 course of Element K or have equivalent knowledge.\par \par \b\fs28 Hardware Requirements\b0\fs20\par \par * Intel\'ae Pentium\'ae IV processor\par * 512 MB of RAM\par * 1 GB of available disk space for software installation, and an additional 10 MB for the course data files\par * 256-color monitor capable of 1024 x 768 resolution\par * DVD-ROM drive\par * Internet connection\par \par \b\fs28 Software Requirements\b0\fs20\par \par Each computer requires the following software:\par \par * Adobe\'ae Dreamweaver\'ae CS5\par * Microsoft\'ae Internet Explorer\'ae 6.0\par * Adobe\'ae Photoshop\'ae CS5\par * Adobe\'ae Flash\'ae Player 9 or above for Mozilla\'ae Firefox\'ae\par * Shockwave\'ae Player\par \par \b\fs28 Course Objectives\par \b0\fs20\par Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:\par \par * work in Code view and use coding tools and features available in Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.\par * format web pages using advanced CSS techniques.\par * work with AP elements.\par * work with Spry elements.\par * create and validate forms.\par * integrate external files with Dreamweaver.\par \par \b\fs28 Course Content\b0\fs20\par \par \b\fs24 Lesson 1: Working in Code View\b0\fs20\par \par \b\fs24 \fs20 Topic 1A: \b0 Use Coding Tools \par \b Topic 1B: \b0 Search for and Replace Code \par \b Topic 1C:\b0 Add Design Notes and Comments \b\par \par Lesson 2: Formatting with Advanced CSS Techniques\par \par Topic 2A: \b0 Use External Style Sheets \par \b Topic 2B: \b0 Create a Layout Using CSS \par \b Topic 2C: \b0 Apply Rollover Effects Using CSS \par \b\par Lesson 3: Working with AP Elements\par \par Topic 3A: \b0 Create AP Elements \par \b Topic 3B: \b0 Control AP Elements \par \b\par Lesson 4: Working with Spry Elements\par \par Topic 4A: \b0 Use Spry Interface Widgets \par \b Topic 4B: \b0 Use Spry Data Sets \par \b\par Lesson 5: Creating a Form\par \par Topic 5A: \b0 Set Up a Form \b\par Topic 5B: \b0 Add Form Elements \par \b Topic 5C: \b0 Validate a Form \par \b\par Lesson 6: Integrating External Files with Dreamweaver\par \par Topic 6A: \b0 Integrate Photoshop Images in Dreamweaver \b\par Topic 6B: \b0 Insert Media Objects \par \b Topic 6C:\b0 Integrate XML-Based Data \par \b\par Appendix A: \b0 Testing a Website\par \b Appendix B: \b0 Working with Adobe Bridge and Adobe Device Central\par \b Appendix C: \b0 Adobe InContext Editing\par \b Appendix D: \b0 New Features in Adobe\'ae Dreamweaver\'ae CS5\par }