Appraising Performance:

Course Specifications

Course number: 088201
Course length: One day of training.
Software: n/a 

Course Description

Appraising Performance provides an overview of the basics of conducting performance appraisals. It provides guidelines and best practices for evaluating and improving the work performance of employees, thereby increasing quality and productivity.

Prerequisites:  There are no prerequisites for this course.

Delivery Method:  This course is designed for instructor-led, group paced classroom-delivery, providing students with structured hands-on activities.

Hardware/Software Requirements

You will need:

Performance-Based Objectives

Course Content

Lesson 1: Establishing Performance Expectations
Topic 1A: Appraise Performance
Topic 1B: Manage Performance
Topic 1C: Establish Performance Expectations

Lesson 2: Writing a Performance Appraisal
Topic 2A: Avoid Common Performance Rating Errors
Topic 2B: Gather Appraisal Information
Topic 2C: Rate Performance
Topic 2D: Ensure Legal Compliance

Lesson 3: Preparing for the Appraisal Discussion
Topic 3A: Prepare the Individual
Topic 3B: Arrange the Logistics
Topic 3C: Prepare Yourself

Lesson 4: Conducting the Performance Appraisal Discussion
Topic 4A: Discuss Your Ratings and Comments
Topic 4B: Resolve Performance Problems
Topic 4C: Cope with Discussion Difficulties
Topic 4D: Plan for the Future

Lesson 5: Following Up
Topic 5A: Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Appraisal Discussion
Topic 5B: Communicate Frequently
Topic 5C: Provide Ongoing Feedback and Coaching

Appendix A: Works Cited
References and Works CitedTopic