XML : DTD Design (Second Edition)

Course Specifications
Course number: 077952
Software Version Number: 2.0
Course length: .5 days

Course Description

Overview:   XML: DTD Design (Second Edition) is a hands-on instruction book that introduces you to the basics of DTD design. The course was developed using the final release of the MSXML 3.0 parser. We recommend that you install and use the latest version of the parser. You can download the MSXML parser from http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/webtechnology/xml/msxml.asp. If for some reason this link is no longer available, you should browse to the main Microsoft Developers Network page at http://msdn.microsoft.com/.
  In addition to the MSXML parser, the course also uses the Internet Explorer Tools for Validating XML and Viewing XSLT Output. This set of tools makes it easier to validate your XML “on the fly.” Using these tools means that you won't have to write any scripts or additional code to validate your XML from within the browser. While you can choose to use another validating parser with this course (for example, the XML4J parser), you should be aware that this will result in some of the tasks and associated screenshots not keying correctly. The concepts taught throughout the course are correct, however, no matter what parser you use.

Prerequisites:   To ensure your success, we recommend you first take the Element K course, XML: An Introduction (Second Edition), or have equivalent knowledge.

Delivery Method:  Instructor-led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.

Benefits:  Students will learn how to model XML document structure and translate that structure into a DTD.

Target student:  Students enrolling in this course should understand basic XML concepts such as elements, attributes, and entities.

What's Next:  This course is a part of a series of courses that provide the foundation of XML technologies. After having learned about DTDs and Schemas, XSL/XSLT, XML DOM, and XLink/XPointer/XPath, students will be well-poised to start integrating XML support into their Web applications using ASP, ADO, Java, various database management systems, ColdFusion, JSP, and so on.

Hardware/Software Requirements: You will need:
Performance-Based Objectives
Lesson objectives help students become comfortable with the course, and also provide a means to evaluate learning. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Course Content

Lesson 1: Introduction to Valid XML
          Topic 1A: The History of DTDs
          Topic 1B: Minimal Structural Requirements for XML
          Topic 1C: Valid XML
          Topic 1D: DTD Tools

Lesson 2: Document Modeling
          Topic 2A: The Planning Stage
          Topic 2B: How to Model Information
          Topic 2C: Permissive and Restrictive Models

Lesson 3: Designing Permissive and Restrictive DTDs
          Topic 3A: Defining Elements
          Topic 3B: Attribute List Declaration Data Types
          Topic 3C: Additional DTD Syntax

Lesson 4: Designing Modular DTDs
          Topic 4A: Entity Declarations
          Topic 4B: Writing Modular DTDs

Lesson 5: Validating XML
          Topic 5A: Automated Validation

Appendix A: DTD Syntax
    Element Quick Reference