Save time with functions using Excel

Lab specifications

Part number 058 203 SS

Software version number: 97 or higher

Lab length: Half a day

Hardware/software required to complete this Lab

In order to complete the activities in this Lab, you’ll need:

Lab description

Overview: Students will use a variety of functions and time-saving techniques with sample files consisting of a business’ personnel files, timesheets, exam scores, and project scheduling reports. Here are the activities covered:

Delivery method: This model supports the Lab instructional method. Using this method, the instructor introduces a business scenario, demonstrates techniques for completing an activity, and then lets students complete the activity.

Target student: Students participating in this Lab should be educated Excel worksheet users who are familiar with:

Prerequisite: The following course (or equivalent knowledge): Excel 97: Worksheets.


Upon successful completion of this Lab, students will be able to:

Lab content

Lab Activity 1: Track elapsed time

Lab Activity 2: Get the information you need from your Excel list

Lab Activity 3: Simplify statistical analysis with functions

Lab Activity 4: Apply error-handling and auditing techniques