ACT! 2007:

Topic-Level Outline

                         Days:  1

          Prerequisites:  Windows XP: Basic, or equivalent experience

                         Unit 1 :  Getting started

                               Topic A: 0  Introducing ACT!

                               A-1:                               Starting ACT!

                               A-2:                               Examining the ACT! window

                               Topic B: 0  Navigation

                               B-1:                               Using database navigation techniques

                               B-2:                               Locating specific data

                               Topic C: 0  Closing databases

                         C-1:                         Closing a database and closing ACT!

                         Unit 2 :  Working with contacts

                               Topic A: 0  My Record

                               A-1:                               Looking up My Record

                               Topic B: 0  Creating and deleting contacts

                               B-1:                               Adding a new contact to the database

                               B-2:                               Duplicating an existing contact

                               B-3:                               Permanently deleting a contact

                               B-4:                               Deleting multiple contacts in one step

                               Topic C: 0  Secondary contacts

                               C-1:                               Adding a secondary contact

                               C-2:                               Editing and deleting a secondary contact

                               C-3:                               Promoting a secondary contact

                               Topic D: 0  Names and salutations

                               D-1:                               Specifying a contact’s first, middle, and last names

                               D-2:                               Setting name preferences

                               D-3:                               Updating the salutation for multiple contacts

                               Topic E: 0  Inserting notes

                               E-1:                               Inserting a note for a contact

                               E-2:                               Inserting a note for multiple contacts

                               Topic F: 0  Attaching files to a contact

                         F-1:                         Attaching a file to a contact record

                         F-2:                         Launching and viewing an attached file

                         Unit 3 :  Companies and divisions

                               Topic A: 0  Adding and removing companies

                               A-1:                               Adding a new company record

                               A-2:                               Deleting a company record

                               Topic B: 0  Managing companies

                               B-1:                               Associating a contact with a company

                               B-2:                               Updating address data automatically

                               Topic C: 0  Managing divisions

                         C-1:                         Adding a new division

                         C-2:                         Adding contacts to a division record

                         Unit 4 :  Simple lookups

                               Topic A: 0  Performing simple lookups

                               A-1:                               Performing a lookup on the basic contact fields

                               A-2:                               Performing a lookup on fields not in the menu

                               A-3:                               Performing a right-click lookup

                               Topic B: 0  Special lookups

                               B-1:                               Looking up contacts with a non-empty value

                               B-2:                               Looking up contacts with an empty value

                               B-3:                               Performing a greater than/less than lookup

                               Topic C: 0  Modifying lookups

                               C-1:                               Replacing the current lookup

                               C-2:                               Adding criteria to a lookup

                               C-3:                               Narrowing an existing lookup

                               Topic D: 0  Keyword searches

                         D-1:                         Searching for a phrase

                         Unit 5 :  Contact List view

                               Topic A: 0  Using Contact List view

                               A-1:                               Sorting contacts in Contact List view

                               A-2:                               Searching for data in the currently sorted field

                               Topic B: 0  Lookups in Contact List view

                               B-1:                               Performing a lookup of tagged contacts

                               B-2:                               Omitting tagged contacts from the current lookup

                               Topic C: 0  Customizing Contact List view

                               C-1:                               Adding a column to Contact List view

                               C-2:                               Removing a column from Contact List view

                               C-3:                               Changing the column order

                               Topic D: 0  Integrating Microsoft Excel

                         D-1:                         Exporting data to Microsoft Excel

                         Unit 6 :  Groups

                               Topic A: 0  Creating and deleting groups

                               A-1:                               Creating a group

                               A-2:                               Creating a subgroup

                               A-3:                               Deleting a group

                               A-4:                               Renaming an existing group

                               A-5:                               Converting a group to a company

                               Topic B: 0  Changing group membership

                               B-1:                               Adding static members to a group

                               B-2:                               Adding all selected contacts to a group

                               B-3:                               Removing static members from a group

                               B-4:                               Adding a dynamic group definition

                               B-5:                               Saving the current lookup as a dynamic group

                               Topic C: 0  Working with groups

                         C-1:                         Performing a lookup of all contacts in a group

                         C-2:                         Viewing group membership for a single contact

                         Unit 7 :  Activities

                               Topic A: 0  Calendar views

                               A-1:                               Viewing your calendar

                               A-2:                               Using the Mini-calendar

                               A-3:                               Filtering to show specific activities

                               Topic B: 0  Scheduling activities

                               B-1:                               Scheduling an activity

                               B-2:                               Editing an existing activity

                               B-3:                               Rescheduling an activity

                               B-4:                               Adding details to an existing activity

                               B-5:                               Creating a reminder e-mail for activity participants

                               B-6:                               Scheduling a private activity

                               B-7:                               Scheduling a global event

                               Topic C: 0  Completing activities

                         C-1:                         Clearing a completed activity

                         C-2:                         Erasing an unneeded activity

                         C-3:                         Recording a history of an unscheduled activity

                         Unit 8 :  Letters

                               Topic A: 0  Letter preferences

                               A-1:                               Setting the default word processor

                               Topic B: 0  Template-based letters

                               B-1:                               Writing a letter, memo, and fax cover page

                               B-2:                               Writing custom template-based letters

                               B-3:                               Creating a history of a letter sent

                               Topic C: 0  Envelopes

                               C-1:                               Printing a standard envelope

                               C-2:                               Creating an envelope template

                               C-3:                               Editing an envelope template

                               Topic D: 0  Labels

                         D-1:                         Previewing labels for contacts in the current lookup

                         D-2:                         Creating a non-standard label template

                         Unit 9 :  E-mail with Outlook

                               Topic A: 0  E-mail preferences

                               A-1:                               Setting ACT! to work with Microsoft Outlook

                               A-2:                               Configuring an ACT! Address Book in Outlook

                               Topic B: 0  Composing e-mail messages in ACT!

                               B-1:                               Composing a message from within Outlook

                               B-2:                               Composing a message from within ACT!

                               B-3:                               Composing a template-based e-mail

                               Topic C: 0  Recording e-mail histories

                       C-1:                       Setting e-mail history options in Outlook

                       C-2:                       Recording the history of a sent message

                       Unit 10 :  ACT! and the Internet

                               Topic A: 0  Web integration

                               A-1:                               Attaching a Web page to a contact

                               A-2:                               Launching a Web site from a record

                               Topic B: 0  Maps and driving directions

                       B-1:                       Generating a map for a contact

                       B-2:                       Generating driving directions

                       Unit 11 :  Reports

                               Topic A: 0  Contact reports

                               A-1:                               Running a Contact report for the current contact

                               A-2:                               Running a Contact Directory report

                               A-3:                               Running a Phone List report

                               A-4:                               Running a History Summary Classic report

                               A-5:                               Running an Activities report

                               Topic B: 0  Group and company reports

                               B-1:                               Running a Group Membership report

                               B-2:                               Running a Group List report

                               B-3:                               Running a Company Summary report

                               Topic C: 0  Opportunity reports

                               C-1:                               Running a Sales Analysis by Record Manager report

                               C-2:                               Running an Opportunities by Record Manager report

                               Topic D: 0  Printing an address book

  D-1:  Printing an address book on letter-size paper