WordPerfect X3:

Topic-Level Outline

                         Days:  1

          Prerequisites:  Windows XP: Basic or equivalent experience

                         Unit 1 :  Getting started

                               Topic A: 0  Exploring the WordPerfect environment

                               A-1:                               Starting WordPerfect

                               A-2:                               Examining the WordPerfect window

                               A-3:                               Changing the screen display

                               Topic B: 0  Creating and saving documents

                               B-1:                               Entering text and displaying non-printing characters

                               B-2:                               Saving a document

                               B-3:                               Saving a document under a different name

                               B-4:                               Saving documents automatically

                               B-5:                               Creating a new document

                               Topic C: 0  Getting help

                               C-1:                               Using online Help

                               C-2:                               Using context-sensitive Help

                               C-3:                               Observing the PerfectExpert panel

                               Topic D: 0  Previewing and printing documents

                               D-1:                               Previewing a document

                               D-2:                               Printing a document

                               Topic E: 0  Closing documents and closing WordPerfect

                         E-1:                         Closing a document and closing WordPerfect

                         Unit 2 :  Editing documents

                               Topic A: 0  Opening and navigating documents

                               A-1:                               Opening an existing file

                               A-2:                               Using the scroll bars to navigate a document

                               A-3:                               Using the keyboard to navigate a document

                               A-4:                               Using the Go To command

                               A-5:                               Using the Autoscroll tool

                               A-6:                               Using the Browse controls

                               A-7:                               Inserting and finding a bookmark

                               Topic B: 0  Basic text editing

                               B-1:                               Inserting and deleting text

                               B-2:                               Using Typeover mode to edit text

                               Topic C: 0  The Undo and Redo commands

                               C-1:                               Undoing multiple actions

                               C-2:                               Redoing actions

                               Topic D: 0  QuickCorrect

                               D-1:                               Using QuickCorrect

                               D-2:                               Creating a QuickCorrect entry

                               D-3:                               Modifying a QuickCorrect entry

                               D-4:                               Deleting a QuickCorrect entry

                               Topic E: 0  Microsoft Word files

                         E-1:                         Saving a file to Microsoft Word format

                         E-2:                         Opening, editing, and saving Microsoft Word files

                         Unit 3 :  Copying and finding text

                               Topic A: 0  Selecting text

                               A-1:                               Using the keyboard to select text

                               A-2:                               Using the mouse to select text

                               A-3:                               Using the Select button to select a paragraph

                               A-4:                               Edit menu commands

                               Topic B: 0  Moving and copying text

                               B-1:                               Moving text within a document

                               B-2:                               Copying text within a document

                               B-3:                               Copying text from one document to another

                               Topic C: 0  Finding and replacing text

                         C-1:                         Finding a word in a document

                         C-2:                         Finding a word by matching case

                         C-3:                         Replacing a word in a document

                         Unit 4 :  Formatting text and paragraphs

                               Topic A: 0  Text formatting techniques

                               A-1:                               Using Property bar buttons to apply font styles

                               A-2:                               Using the Font Properties dialog box

                               A-3:                               Using the QuickFonts feature to format text

                               A-4:                               Using QuickFormat to repeat text formatting

                               A-5:                               Using RealTime Preview

                               Topic B: 0  Paragraph alignment and lists

                               B-1:                               Aligning a paragraph

                               B-2:                               Creating bulleted and numbered lists

                               Topic C: 0  Indents

                               C-1:                               Applying and removing indents

                               C-2:                               Applying a hanging indent

                               Topic D: 0  Line spacing

                               D-1:                               Examining line spacing

                               D-2:                               Changing the spacing between paragraphs

                               D-3:                               Changing the line spacing within a paragraph

                               D-4:                               Using Make It Fit to compress a document

                               Topic E: 0  Reveal codes

                         E-1:                         Examining Reveal codes

                         E-2:                         Using Reveal codes to modify text formatting

                         Unit 5 :  Tabs and tables

                               Topic A: 0  Tab formatting

                               A-1:                               Examining tab types

                               A-2:                               Setting and moving a left tab stop

                               A-3:                               Clearing tab stops and changing tab types

                               A-4:                               Using the Tab Set dialog box

                               Topic B: 0  Creating tables

                               B-1:                               Using the Create Table dialog box

                               B-2:                               Using the Table QuickCreate button

                               B-3:                               Using the keyboard to navigate a table

                               B-4:                               Selecting table elements

                               B-5:                               Entering text in a table

                               B-6:                               Converting text into a table

                               B-7:                               Converting a table into text

                               Topic C: 0  Modifying tables

                         C-1:                         Formatting text in a table

                         C-2:                         Changing column width and aligning a table

                         C-3:                         Adding rows and columns to a table

                         C-4:                         Deleting rows, columns, and a table

                         Unit 6 :  Page layout options

                               Topic A: 0  Headers and footers

                               A-1:                               Creating a header

                               A-2:                               Creating a footer and adding page numbers and dates

                               A-3:                               Editing headers and footers

                               Topic B: 0  Page margins

                               B-1:                               Adjusting page margins

                               B-2:                               Previewing multiple pages

                               Topic C: 0  Page breaks

                         C-1:                         Inserting a manual page break

                         C-2:                         Deleting a manual page break

                         Unit 7 :  Proofing tools

                               Topic A: 0  Spelling and grammar tools

                               A-1:                               Using Spell-As-You-Go

                               A-2:                               Using Spell Checker

                               A-3:                               Correcting grammatical errors

                               A-4:                               Obtaining a word count

                               Topic B: 0  The thesaurus

                               B-1:                               Using the thesaurus

                               Topic C: 0  QuickWords

                               C-1:                               Using the QuickWords feature

                               Topic D: 0  The dictionary

                         D-1:                         Checking the definition of a selected word

                         Unit 8 :  Internet options

                               Topic A: 0  Web documents

                               A-1:                               Placing a hyperlink in a document

                               A-2:                               Previewing a document in a browser

                               Topic B: 0  Yahoo! Web searches

                               B-1:                               Performing Yahoo! searches

                               Topic C: 0  Publishing documents

  C-1:  Publishing a document to HTML

  C-2:  Publishing a document to PDF

  C-3:  Publishing a document to XML