WordPerfect X3:

Frequently Asked Questions and Instructor Notes

Topic A0:   Classroom setup

All our courses assume that each student has a personal computer to use during the class. Our hands-on approach to learning requires they do. This topic gives information on how to set up the classroom to teach this course. It includes minimum requirements for the students’ personal computers, setup information for the first time you teach the class, and setup information for each time that you teach after the first time you set up the classroom.

Hardware requirements

Each student’s personal computer should have:

·   A keyboard and a mouse

·   466 MHz (Pentium III or equivalent processor recommended)

·   128 MB RAM (256 MB recommended)

·   575 MB of available hard disk space

·   A CD-ROM drive

·   SVGA monitor at 1024´768 resolution

Software requirements

You will need the following software:

·   Windows XP (Home, Media, or Professional Edition), Windows 2000, or Windows 98 SE

·   Corel WordPerfect X3

·   Adobe Reader 6.0 or higher

·   A printer driver (An actual printer is not required, but students will not be able to complete Activities C-2 and D-2 in Unit 1 unless a driver is installed.)

Network requirements

The following network components and connectivity are also required for this course:

·   Internet access, for the following purposes:

·    Downloading the latest critical updates and service packs from www.windowsupdate.com

·    Completing Activity B-1 in Unit 8

·    Downloading the Student Data files from www.courseilt.com (if necessary)

First-time setup instructions

The first time you teach this course, you will need to perform the following steps to set up each student computer.

1   Install Windows XP on an NTFS partition according to the software manufacturer’s instructions. If the student machines have Internet access, and they are behind a software or hardware firewall, install the latest critical updates and service packs from www.windowsupdate.com.

     Note: You can also use Windows 2000, although the screen shots in this course were taken using Windows XP, so students’ screens might look somewhat different.

2   From the Control Panel, open the Display Properties dialog box and apply the following settings:

·    Theme — Windows XP

·    Screen resolution — 1024 by 768 pixels

·    Color quality — High (24 bit) or higher

3   Install a printer or printer driver (such as HP LaserJet 5P/5MP PostScript) according to the instructions provided in Windows.

4   Install WordPerfect X3 according to the software manufacturer’s instructions. Use the default installation.

5   Adjust the computer’s Internet settings for Internet Explorer as follows:

a   From the Start menu, right-click the Internet Explorer icon and choose Internet Properties to open the Internet Properties dialog box.

b   On the General tab, under Home Page, click Use Blank, click Apply.

c   On the Connections tab, click Setup to start the Internet Connection Wizard.

d   Click Cancel. If a message box appears, check Do not show the Internet Connection Wizard in the future, and then click Yes.

6   Set Internet Explorer to allow active content in locally viewed files as follows (this is necessary for the XML export activity in Unit 8):

a   From the Start menu, right-click the Internet Explorer icon and choose Internet Properties to open the Internet Properties dialog box.

b   Activate the Advanced tab, and scroll down to the Security heading. Check “Allow active content to run in files on My Computer.”

c   Click OK.

7   Download Adobe Reader 6.0 or higher from www.adobe.com and install the application using the software manufacturer’s instructions. This is necessary to complete Unit 8, activity B-2.

8   Start Adobe Reader. At the License Agreement screen, click Accept. Close Adobe Reader.    

9   If you don’t have the data CD that came with this manual, download the Student Data files for the course. You can download the data directly to student machines, to a central location on your own network, or to a disk.

a   Connect to www.courseilt.com/instructor_tools.html.

b   Click the link for Corel WordPerfect to display a page of course listings, and then click the link for WordPerfect X3: Basic.

c   Click the link for downloading the Student Data files, and follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

Setup instructions for every class

Every time you teach this course (including the first time), you will need to perform the following steps to set up each student computer.

1   If necessary, reset any defaults that have been changed in previous classes.

a   If necessary, reset the automatic save option to the default. Choose Tools, Settings; click the Files icon; and change the Timed document backup option to 10 minutes.

b   If necessary, remove the Select button from the application bar. To do so, choose Tools, Settings, click the Application Bar icon, and clear Select On/Off.

2   Delete the contents of the Student Data folder, if necessary. (If this is the first time you are teaching the course, create a folder named Student Data at the root of the hard drive. For a standard hard drive setup, this will be C:\Student Data.)

3   Copy the data files to the Student Data folder. (See the download instructions in the preceding section.)

4   If necessary, delete the entries that were added to the QuickCorrect list in Unit 2, Activity B-2. To do so:

a   Choose Tools, QuickCorrect to open the QuickCorrect dialog box.

b   Enter “sp” in the Replace box.

c   Click Delete Entry, then click Yes.

d   Click OK.

5   If necessary, delete the names that were added to the WordPerfect dictionary in Unit 7, Activity A-2. To do so:

a   Choose Tools, Spell Checker. (If a message box appears, click No to keep the Writing Tools window open.)

b   Click Options and choose User Word Lists to open the User Word Lists dialog box.

c   Under User word list contents, from the Word/phrase list, select Solena.

d   Click Delete Entry, then click Yes.

e   Repeat steps c and d to delete the name “MacElvoy” from the dictionary.

f    Click Close to close the User Word Lists dialog box.


Topic B:   Frequently Asked Questions

There are no frequently asked questions for this course at this time


Topic C:   Course Notes

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Topic D:   Additional Information

There is no additional information for this course at this time