Identifying, Planning, and Implementing

Topic-Level Outline

                         Days:  1

          Prerequisites:  None

                         Unit 1 :  Basics of motivation

                               Topic A: 0  Overview of motivation

                               A-1:                               Identifying motivating and unmotivating factors

                               A-2:                               Discussing automatic negative thoughts

                               A-3:                               Developing your motivation

                               Topic B: 0  Overview of the motivation process

                         B-1:                         Discussing the motivation process

                         B-2:                         Discussing the benefits of motivation

                         B-3:                         Discussing motivation theories

                         Unit 2 :  Positive mental attitude

                               Topic A: 0  Self-confidence

                               A-1:                               Discussing positive attitudes and self-esteem

                               Topic B: 0  Overcoming your fears

                               B-1:                               Discussing ways to overcome your fears

                               Topic C: 0  Perception and reality

                         C-1:                         Discussing perceptions and relaxation

                         C-2:                         Developing your PMA strengths

                         Unit 3 :  The Core Four

                               Topic A: 0  Health

                               A-1:                               Identifying life stressors

                               A-2:                               Discussing exercising for life

                               A-3:                               Discussing healthy eating

                               A-4:                               Practicing deep breathing

                               A-5:                               Identifying health concerns

                               Topic B: 0  Competence

                               B-1:                               Discussing negative self-talk

                               B-2:                               Stepping out of your comfort zone

                               B-3:                               Identifying competency strengths

                               Topic C: 0  Relationships

                               C-1:                               Identifying your support group

                               C-2:                               Identifying relationship strengths

                               Topic D: 0  Organization

                         D-1:                         Prioritizing activities

                         D-2:                         Identifying tasks you put off doing

                         D-3:                         Grouping tasks into batches

                         D-4:                         Improving your organization skills

                         Unit 4 :  The motivation process

                               Topic A: 0  Identify and plan

                               A-1:                               Identifying obstacles and solutions

                               A-2:                               Identifying your goals and the required tasks

                               Topic B: 0  Implement and evaluate

                         B-1:                         Evaluating your progress

                         B-2:                         Choosing how to get started

                         Unit 5 :  Using what you’ve learned

                               Topic A: 0  The implementation phase

                               A-1:                               Recording ideas from satori moments

                               A-2:                               Committing to improvement

                               Topic B: 0  Resources and reading suggestions