Lotus Notes 7:

Topic-Level Outline

                         Days:  1

         Prerequisites:  Windows XP: Basic or equivalent experience

                         Unit 1 :  Getting started

                               Topic A: 0  Getting started with Notes

                               A-1:                               Understanding Notes

                               A-2:                               Discussing database concepts

                               A-3:                               Starting Notes

                               A-4:                               Examining the Notes window

                               A-5:                               Saving the current state of window tabs and exiting Notes

                               Topic B: 0  Working with the database window

                               B-1:                               Opening a database

                               B-2:                               Exploring the database window

                               Topic C: 0  Using bookmarks

                         C-1:                         Creating a bookmark

                         C-2:                         Deleting a bookmark

                         Unit 2 :  Working with database documents

                               Topic A: 0  Examining typical databases

                               A-1:                               Exploring a Discussion database

                               A-2:                               Reviewing Discussion database document types

                               A-3:                               Exploring a TeamRoom database

                               Topic B: 0  Creating and deleting documents

                               B-1:                               Creating a main topic document

                               B-2:                               Creating a response document

                               B-3:                               Creating a response-to-response document

                               B-4:                               Marking a document for deletion

                               B-5:                               Deleting a document permanently

                               Topic C: 0  Examining database properties and access levels

                               C-1:                               Examining database properties

                               C-2:                               Examining the Access Control List

                               Topic D: 0  Using Help

                         D-1:                         Examining the Using This Database document

                         D-2:                         Using the Help database

                         D-3:                         Using context help

                         Unit 3 :  Editing documents

                               Topic A: 0  Editing documents

                               A-1:                               Opening a document in Edit mode

                               A-2:                               Copying text

                               A-3:                               Formatting text in a document

                               A-4:                               Checking the spelling in a document

                               Topic B: 0  Using named styles

                               B-1:                               Using existing named styles

                               B-2:                               Creating a named style

                               Topic C: 0  Creating links, hotspots, and sections

                         C-1:                         Creating a document link

                         C-2:                         Creating a pop-up hotspot

                         C-3:                         Creating a section

                         Unit 4 :  Using Notes mail

                               Topic A: 0  Working with messages

                               A-1:                               Creating and sending a message

                               A-2:                               Replying to a message

                               A-3:                               Specifying delivery options

                               Topic B: 0  Using the Address Book

                               B-1:                               Adding the sender’s address to the Address Book

                               B-2:                               Adding a contact to the Address Book

                               B-3:                               Adding a group to the Address Book

                               Topic C: 0  Working with attached files

                         C-1:                         Attaching a file to a memo

                         C-2:                         Viewing and saving an attached file

                         Unit 5 :  Using the Calendar

                               Topic A: 0  Working with the Calendar

                               A-1:                               Exploring the Calendar

                               A-2:                               Creating a personal Calendar entry

                               A-3:                               Scheduling a meeting

                               A-4:                               Checking schedules

                               A-5:                               Responding to an invitation

                               Topic B: 0  Customizing your Calendar

                               B-1:                               Adding holidays to the Calendar

                               B-2:                               Setting Calendar preferences

                               B-3:                               Filtering Calendar entries

                               B-4:                               Creating a Group Calendar

                               B-5:                               Setting an alarm

                               B-6:                               Responding to an alarm

                               B-7:                               Cleaning up Calendar entries

                               Topic C: 0  Working with the To Do list

                         C-1:                         Creating a personal To Do item

                         C-2:                         Creating and sending a group To Do item

                         C-3:                         Receiving a To Do item

                         C-4:                         Marking a To Do item as complete

                         Unit 6 :  Working with tables

                               Topic A: 0  Creating tables

                               A-1:                               Creating a basic table in a document

                               A-2:                               Creating a tabbed table in a document

                               Topic B: 0  Table properties

                         B-1:                         Adding labels in a tabbed table

                         B-2:                         Changing the left margin of a table

                         B-3:                         Inserting a row in a table

                         B-4:                         Deleting a row from a table

                         B-5:                         Applying a table border

                         Unit 7 :  Searching databases

                               Topic A: 0  Working with database indexes

                               A-1:                               Performing a simple search

                               A-2:                               Creating a full-text index

                               A-3:                               Searching an indexed database

                               Topic B: 0  Advanced searches

                               B-1:                               Using search operators

                               B-2:                               Performing conditional searches

                               B-3:                               Saving and repeating a search

                               Topic C: 0  Searching the Internet

  C-1:  Examining Internet search engines

  C-2:  Searching the Web

  C-3:  Saving search results