GroupWise 7

Frequently asked questions and instructor notes

Topic A0:   Classroom setup

All our courses assume that each student has a personal computer to use during class. Our hands-on approach to learning requires that they do. This topic gives information on how to set up the classroom to teach this course. It includes minimum requirements for the students’ personal computers, setup information for the first time you teach the class, and setup information for each time that you teach after the first time you set up the classroom.

Student/client computer requirements

Each client’s personal computer should have:

·    A keyboard and a mouse

·    Intel Pentium III or faster processor (Pentium 4 recommended)

·    128 MB RAM

·    4 GB of hard disk space

·    SVGA or higher resolution monitor

·    Network card and relevant cabling

·    A connection to a network or local printer (optional)

·    Internet access, if you want to download the Student Data files from and if you want students to be able to access Web-based Help

The software requirements for the student computers are as follows:

·    Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1

·    Novell Client

·    GroupWise 7 Client

·    Novell Messenger 2 client

Instructor computer requirements

Each instructor’s personal computer should have:

·    A keyboard and a mouse

·    Intel Pentium III or faster processor (Pentium 4 recommended)

·    128 MB RAM

·    4 GB of hard disk space

·    SVGA or higher resolution monitor

·    Network card and relevant cabling

·    A connection to network or local printer (optional)

·    Internet access, if you want to download the Student Data files from

The software requirements for the instructor computers are as follows:

·    Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1

·    Novell Client

·    GroupWise 7 Client

·    ConsoleOne and required snap-ins

·    GroupWise 7 server (to be installed on the NetWare server)

·    Novell Messenger 2 Server (to be installed on the NetWare server)

·    Novell Messenger 2 client

Server computer requirements

NetWare is a mountable operating system, not a bootable one. Therefore, it’s essential to have a DOS partition on the server computer.

The hardware requirements for the Novell NetWare server computer are as follows:

·    A keyboard and a mouse

·    Intel Pentium III or faster processor (Pentium 4 recommended)

·    512 MB RAM

·    4 GB of hard disk space

·    SVGA or higher resolution monitor

·    A connection to a network printer (optional)

·    Bootable CD drive

·    Network card and relevant cabling

The software requirements for the Novell NetWare server computers are as follows:

·    Novell NetWare 6.5 operating system (retail product)

·    The latest Support Pack installed (downloadable)

·    NetWare 6.5 License diskette (purchased with the NetWare operating system)

·    GroupWise 7 server (to be installed from the instructor’s machine)

·    Novell Messenger 2 server (to be installed from the instructor’s machine)

First-time setup instructions

The first time you teach this course, you need to perform the following steps to set up the lab for this course.

Setting up the Novell NetWare 6.5 Server

The Novell NetWare server needs to be installed first. Insert the NetWare 6.5 Operating System CD into the CD-ROM drive of the server and restart the machine. Then follow these steps to set up the NetWare server:

1   Enter the computer’s BIOS and verify that PNP is disabled, or disable it if it is enabled.

2   If prompted, press I to choose Install NetWare.

3   If prompted, choose A for automatic detection of the CD-ROM Driver Type.

4   If prompted, choose A for Method to restore floppy to A:.

5   If prompted, choose A for Run Mode.

6   Select the Select This Line To Install In English option to install English as the language for the server.

7   Verify the regional settings for the server. Select Modify to change the settings if necessary. Select Continue to accept the settings.

8   Read the license agreement; then press F10 twice to accept it.

9   Specify a manual installation and select Continue.

10  Verify the partition information for hard disk 0. Select Modify to change the settings if necessary. You should have a DOS partition of at least 500 MB, and the remaining space should be free space. Select Continue to accept the settings.

11  Verify the server settings and select Continue.

12  Wait for the file copy to be completed.

13  Verify the Platform Support Module driver, and select Continue to load the driver.

14  Verify the Storage Adapter device driver, and select Continue to load the driver.

15  Verify the storage device(s), and select Continue to load the driver(s).

16  Verify that the correct LAN (Ethernet) driver for your network card is detected. If necessary, select the LAN driver for your network card from the list of detected drivers. Select Continue to load the driver.

17  If prompted and if necessary, specify the SYS volume size as 4 GB. Press Enter twice to create the SYS volume and start the next file copy. Wait until all of the files are copied and the GUI is loaded.

18  In the Choose A Pattern dialog box, verify that “Customized NetWare Server” is selected and click Next.

19  In the Components dialog box, select Apache 2 Web Server And Tomcat 4 Servlet Container, Novell iManager 2.0, and Novell DNS/DHCP Services. Click Next.

20  In the Summary dialog box, verify the products to be installed and click Copy Files.

21  Insert the NetWare 6.5 (Products) CD2 CD and click OK. Wait for the files to finish copying.

22  In the Server Properties dialog box, enter Server1 as the server name and click Next.

23  Insert the license/cryptography diskette  or CD into the floppy or CD drive. In the Encryption dialog box, browse to the cryptography module file (.nfk) on the floppy disk or CD, select it, and click OK. Click Next.

24  In the Protocols dialog box, check IP to specify the protocol to be used for communication, and assign a static IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway, depending on the local IP addressing scheme. (If in doubt, contact your local network administrator.) Click Next.

25  In the Domain Name Service dialog box, specify the server’s host name and domain name (depending on your local DNS scheme), and enter the IP address of the primary name server. Click Next.

26  In the Time Zone dialog box, select your local time zone and click Next.

27  In the eDirectory Installation dialog box, select Create A New eDirectory Tree and click Next.

28  Under eDirectory information, enter the following and then click Next:

·    Outlander as the Tree Name

·    Object as Context for the Server Object

·    password in the Password and Retype Password text boxes

29  In the eDirectory Summary dialog box, verify that the details displayed are correct and click Next.

30  In the Licenses dialog box, browse to and select the license file and click OK. (If the license is not accepted, choose No Licenses.) Click Next.

31  In the LDAP Configuration dialog box, click Next (accept the defaults).

32  In the Novell Modular Authentication Service dialog box, click Next (accept the defaults).

33  If prompted, in the DNS/DHCP Installation dialog box, verify the information and click Next. Wait for services to be configured.

34  Remove any floppy disks and CDs. In the Installation Complete dialog box, click Yes to reset the server. Wait for the server to restart.

35  Verify that all cables are connected correctly for the server, instructor machine, and student machines.

Setting up Windows XP on the instructor’s machine

1   Install Microsoft Windows XP Professional on an NTFS partition according to the software manufacturer’s instructions. If the machine has Internet access, install the latest critical updates and service packs from (You can also use Windows 2000, but the screen shots in this course were taken using Windows XP, so screens might look somewhat different.)

2   Adjust the computer’s display properties as follows:

a   Right-click the desktop and choose Properties to open the Display Properties dialog box.

b   On the Settings tab, set the Color quality to 16 bit or higher, and set the Screen resolution to 1024 by 768 pixels.

c   On the Appearance tab, if necessary, set Windows and buttons to Windows XP style.

d   Click OK. If you are prompted to accept the new settings, click OK and click Yes. Then, if necessary, close the Display Properties dialog box.

Setting up the Novell Client on the instructor’s machine

After the Novell NetWare server is installed and running, you need to install the Novell Client on the instructor’s machine. (You do this so you’ll be able to install the GroupWise 7 server and Novell Messenger 2 on the NetWare server, and to create NetWare users.) On the instructor’s machine, begin the installation of Novell Client 4.91 Support Pack 1 by performing the following steps:

1   If necessary, assign an appropriate IP address to the computer.

2   Insert the Novell Client CD into the computer’s CD-ROM drive; the CD should autorun. If it does not, run Winsetup.exe. If your copy of the Novell Client is on a CD with multiple language versions that need to be unzipped, unzip the English version (for example Novell Client 4.91 SP2 English.exe) and then run setupnw.exe.

3   In the Software License Agreement dialog box, click Yes.

4   In the Novell Client Installation dialog box, select Custom Installation and click Next.

5   In the following Novell Client Installation dialog box, select all components and click Next.

6   In the following Novell Client Installation dialog box, leave the defaults selected and click Next.

7   In the Protocol Preference dialog box, verify that “IP Only” is selected and then click Next.

8   In the Login Authenticator dialog box, verify that “NDS” is selected and then click Next.

9   Click Finish. After the installation completes, remove the CD and click Reboot to reboot the computer.

10  After the computer restarts and the NetWare Login dialog box appears, enter admin as the User Name and password as the Password. Click OK.

11  When prompted for the Windows name and password, enter administrator as the Name and the password as the Password. Click OK.

12  If a Windows Security Alert appears on login, click Unblock.

Installing GroupWise 7 on the server

The GroupWise server needs to be configured on the Novell NetWare server. However, this can be done only from a client workstation. At the instructor’s machine, you should already have logged in to the NetWare server as the admin user. Now:

1   Insert the GroupWise 7 Administration CD into the CD drive of the instructor’s machine. The CD should autorun; if it does not, then browse to the CD and double-click setup.exe.

2   Click Create or update a GroupWise system.

3   Click Yes to accept the Software License Agreement.

4   On the Welcome to GroupWise Install screen, click Next.

5   On the Plan Your System screen, click Next.

6   Verify that “Create a new system or update an existing system” is checked. Click Next.

7   Under Select languages to install, verify that English-USA is selected. Click Next.

8   Click Install ConsoleOne to start the ConsoleOne installation. Then do the following:

a   Click Next on the Welcome screen and click Accept to accept the ConsoleOne Software License Agreement.

b   View the default path for ConsoleOne and then click Next (accepting the default).

c   View the default components selected for installation and then click Next (accepting the default).

d   Click Next on the Languages to install screen.

e   On the LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR JREPORT RUNTIME screen, select I DO accept the terms of this license agreement. Click Next.

f    Click Finish, and when ConsoleOne finishes the installation, click Close.

9   On the ConsoleOne Path screen, click Next.

10  Accept the default location for the Software Distribution Directory by clicking Next.

11  On the Select Software screen, click Select All to install all the components. Click Next.

12  Insert the GroupWise 7 Client CD when prompted and click OK.

13  On the Ready to Install screen, click Install.

14  When prompted for the Administrator CD, insert the Novell GroupWise 7 Administration CD and click OK.

15  On the Novell Partner Product Guide screen, click Next.

16  On the Determine Next Step screen, click Creating a new GroupWise System and then click Next.

17  On the Run ConsoleOne screen, click Run to launch ConsoleOne.

18  On the GroupWise Setup Progress screen, click Next.

19  Verify that the path for the Software Distribution Directory is correct, and then click Next.

20  Verify that the Current tree is OUTLANDER and click Next.

21  Select Extend eDirectory schema and click Next.

22  On the System Name screen, enter OUTLANDER_SYS and click Next.

23  On the Primary Domain screen, enter OUTLANDER_DOM as the Domain name and click Next.

24  Enter \\server1\sys\grpwise\Domain as the Domain directory and click Next.

25  On the Domain Context screen, browse to and select Object as Domain context. Click Next.

26  Verify that English-US is the selected Domain language and click Next.

27  Select the correct Domain time zone and click Next.

28  On the Post Office Name screen, enter OUTLANDER_PO as the Post office name and click Next.

29  Enter \\server1\sys\grpwise\PO as the Post office directory and click Next.

30  Verify that the Post office context is Object and click Next.

31  Verify that the Post office language is English-US and click Next.

32  Select the correct Post Office time zone and click Next.

33  On the Post Office Link screen, verify that “TCP/IP link” is selected and click Next.

34  On the POA Network Address screen, enter the IP address of the NetWare server and accept the default values for the remaining fields. Click Next.

35  On the MTA Network Address screen, enter the IP address of the NetWare server and click Next.

36  On the Post Office Users screen, click Next to create the users later.

37  On the GroupWise Setup Progress screen, click Next.

38  On the Summary screen, verify the GroupWise system settings and click Next.

39  Wait until the new system is created, and verify that the message “The GroupWise System was successfully installed” appears. Then click Next.

40  Click Next to install agent software.

41  Accept the default agent software platform (NetWare) and click Next.

42  Enter \\server1\sys\system as the destination path for the agent software installation and click Next. (The Shift key is deactivated in this step.)

43  Verify that English is selected and click Next.

44  Verify that the information displayed on the Summary screen is correct and click Next. Here, and at other points during the classroom setup, if you’re prompted to overwrite one or more existing files, specify that you want to overwrite files. Also, if you’re prompted that Install has a newer version of the LDAP SDK, click Yes to install the newer version.

45  On the Installation Complete screen, verify that “Update AUTOEXEC file” and “Launch GroupWise agents now” are checked and that all other options are cleared. Click Finish. (If you have access to the server screen, you’ll see the GroupWise POA load at the server.)

46  On the GroupWise Setup Progress screen, click Next to set up client software.

47  Verify that English (United States) is selected and click OK.

48  Click Next on the Welcome screen. Verify that Typical is selected and click Next.

49  Click Install to start the installation.

50  Click Finish to complete the installation.

51 Close the GroupWise installation options window.

Creating NetWare users

After the GroupWise client is installed on the instructor machine, you need to create NetWare users and set appropriate options for user synchronization. This is to ensure that users can be added at any time. At the instructor’s machine:

1   If necessary, double-click the ConsoleOne icon on the desktop.

2   Expand NDS, expand OUTLANDER, right-click Object, and choose New, User to open the New User dialog box.

3   Enter Instructor as Name and Surname. Check Add user to GroupWise Post Office.

4   Click the Browse button and browse to (if necessary) and select OUTLANDER_PO, then click OK.

5   Check Define additional properties and click OK.

6   On the Set Password screen, enter password in the Password and Retype Password boxes, and click Set Password.

7   The Properties of Instructor dialog box appears. Click the GroupWise tab and verify that the details shown are correct.

8   Click Change GroupWise Password. Enter password in the Enter new password and Retype Password boxes, and click OK.

9   Click the Restrictions tab and clear Allow user to change password. Then click OK to close the Instructor-specific dialog box.

10  Repeat steps 2–6 to create student IDs for the entire class (Student01 through Student15).

Granting administrative rights to the instructor

The instructor needs administrative rights to manage the GroupWise system.

1   Select Object, double-click the Instructor object, and then click the Security Equal to Me tab.

2   Click Add to open the Select Objects dialog box.

3   Select admin and click OK twice.

4   Close ConsoleOne.

Installing the GroupWise Messenger server

You first need to install the server for GroupWise Messenger:

1   Verify that you’re still logged on to the NetWare server as admin from the instructor’s machine.

2   Insert the Novell GroupWise Messenger disc into the CD drive of the instructor’s machine. Autorun will display the GroupWise Messenger installation window.

3   Click Install Server to install the Novell Messenger server.

4   Verify that English is selected as the language and click OK.

5   Click Yes to accept the Software License Agreement.

6   On the Installation Options screen, verify that “Create or update a system” is selected and then click Next.

7   On the Server Information screen, verify that NetWare is selected. Accept the default installation path and click Next.

8   Click Yes when prompted to create the directory.

9   On the System Configuration screen, change the Server object name to MessengerServer. Verify that the remaining default settings are correct and click Next.

10  Click Yes to extend the directory schema for the OUTLANDER tree, and click OK after the schema extension has been completed.

11  Verify that all the components are selected and click Next.

12  Verify that “Use direct access” is selected and click Next.

13  Click Browse and expand Object.

14  Select admin and click OK.

15  Enter password in the Password and Verify password boxes. Click Next.

16  On the User Configuration screen, click Next.

17  On the Server Address screen, check IP Address and verify that the IP address shown is correct. Click Next.

18  Click Next on the Security Configuration and Admin Configuration screens.

19  Click Next to start copying the files. Click Yes to install the new version of the LDAP SDK.

20  On the Setup Complete screen, check Launch Agents now, check Update AUTOEXEC to launch agents on startup, and click Finish.

Installing the GroupWise Messenger client on the instructor’s machine

1   Click Install Client.

2   Verify that English is selected and click OK.

3   Click Next to accept the default destination folder.

4   Click Next to accept the default system program folder.

5   Verify that English is selected under language selection and click Next.

6   On the Setup Complete screen, clear View the GroupWise Messenger Readme, clear Start GroupWise Messenger now, and click Finish.

7   Close the Novell GroupWise Messenger window and remove the CD.

8   Start GroupWise Messenger. Enter instructor as the User ID and password as the Password. Verify that Remember Password is cleared. Enter the GroupWise Messenger server’s IP address. Click OK to log in.

9   Choose Tools, Options. On the General tab, clear Run GroupWise Messenger when Windows starts.

10  Click OK and choose File, Exit to exit GroupWise Messenger. (Do not close GroupWise Messenger by clicking the ´ button; if you do, GroupWise Messenger will still run in the background.)

11  Download the Student Data examples for the course. You can download the student data directly to student machines, to a central location on your own network, or to a disk.

a   Connect to

b   Click the link for GroupWise to display a page of course listings, and then click the link for GroupWise 7.

c   Click the link for downloading the data disk files, and follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

Setting up Windows XP on student machines

1   Install Microsoft Windows XP Professional on an NTFS partition according to the software manufacturer’s instructions. If the student machines have Internet access, install the latest critical updates and service packs from (You can also use Windows 2000, but the screen shots in this course were taken using Windows XP, so students’ screens might look somewhat different.)

2   Adjust the computer’s display properties as follows:

a   Right-click the desktop and choose Properties to open the Display Properties dialog box.

b   On the Settings tab, set the Color quality to 16 bit or higher, and set the Screen resolution to 1024 by 768 pixels.

c   On the Appearance tab, set Windows and buttons to Windows XP style.

d   Click OK. If you are prompted to accept the new settings, click OK and click Yes. Then, if necessary, close the Display Properties dialog box.

Setting up the Novell Client on student machines

After the Novell GroupWise and Messenger servers are installed and running, you need to install the Novell Client on each workstation. Begin the installation of Novell Client by doing the following steps on all student Windows XP computers in the classroom:

1   If necessary, assign an appropriate IP address to the computer. Reboot the computer. If you’re prompted for the Windows name and password, enter administrator as the Name and administrator’s password as the Password. Click OK.

2   Insert the Novell Client CD into the computer’s CD ROM drive; the CD should autorun. If it does not, run Winsetup.exe. If your copy of the Novell Client is on a CD with multiple language versions that need to be unzipped, unzip the English ( version and then run setupnw.exe.

3   In the Software License Agreement dialog box, click Yes.

4   In the Novell Client Installation dialog box, select Custom Installation and click Next.

5   In the following Novell Client Installation dialog box, select all components and click Next.

6   In the following Novell Client Installation dialog box, leave the defaults selected and click Next.

7   In the Protocol Preference dialog box, verify that IP Only is selected. Click Next.

8   In the Login Authenticator dialog box, verify that NDS is selected. Click Next.

9   Click Finish. After the installation completes, remove the CD and click Reboot to reboot the computer.

10  After the computer restarts and the NetWare Login dialog box appears, enter Student01 as the User Name and password as the Password. Click OK.

11  When prompted for the Windows name and password, enter administrator as the Name and password as the Password. Click OK.

12  If a Windows Security Alert appears on login, click Unblock.

13  Repeat this process and the processes in the following setup sections on each of the student machines, using the student name as appropriate on each machine.

Installing the GroupWise 7 client on student machines

1   Insert the Novell GroupWise 7 Client CD and, when prompted, click OK. If Autorun does not start the CD, run Setup.exe on the CD.

2   Verify that English (United States) is selected and click OK.

3         Click Next on the Welcome screen, verify that Typical is selected, and click Next.

4   Click Install.

5   Verify that “Launch the program” is cleared, and click Finish.

6   Remove the GroupWise 7 Client CD.

Installing the GroupWise Messenger client on student machines

1   Insert the Novell GroupWise Messenger CD into the student’s machine.

2   Click Install Client.

3   Verify that English is selected and click OK.

4   Click Next to accept the default destination folder.

5   Click Next to accept the default program folder.

6   Verify that English is selected under Language Selection and click Next.

7   On the Setup Complete screen, clear View the GroupWise Messenger Readme, clear Start GroupWise Messenger now, and click Finish. If necessary, close the installation window.

8   Start and log in to GroupWise Messenger as the appropriate student. You’ll have to enter the student User ID, the password, and the IP address of the server. Verify that Remember Password is cleared.

9   Choose Tools, Options. On the General tab, clear Run GroupWise Messenger when Windows starts.

10  Click OK and choose File, Exit to exit GroupWise Messenger. (Do not close GroupWise Messenger by clicking the ´ button; if you do, GroupWise Messenger will still run in the background.)

11  Log off Windows as the student.

Setup instructions for every class

Every time you teach this course, you need to perform the following steps to set up each student computer. It’s important to start each class with empty student Mailboxes.

1   At the instructor’s workstation, log in as admin and enter password as the password. Log into the Windows workstation as administrator with administrator’s password.

2   Start ConsoleOne.

3   Delete all student accounts. For each student account, repeat the following steps:

a   Select the object and press Delete.

b   Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

c   Verify that Delete GroupWise Account is selected.

d   Click OK to remove the user account and delete the GroupWise folders.

4   Re-create user accounts for all students. Refer to the instructions in the “Creating NetWare users” section.

5   On the student and instructor machines, create a folder called Student Data at the root of the hard drive. Copy the Student Data to the Student Data folders of each workstation.


Topic B:   Frequently asked questions

There are no frequently asked questions for this course at this time.


Topic C:   Course notes

There are no notes for this course at this time.


Topic D:   Additional information

There is no additional information for this course at this time.