Lightroom 1.0

Topic-Level Outline

                         Days:  1

         Prerequisites:  Windows XP: Basic or equivalent experience

                         Unit 1 :  Getting started

                               Topic A: 0  Lightroom overview

                               A-1:                               Discussing Lightroom

                               Topic B: 0  Importing photos

                               B-1:                               Exploring basic photo importing options

                               B-2:                               Exploring organization and file-naming options

                               B-3:                               Processing imported files

                               B-4:                               Importing photos from a watched folder

                               Topic C: 0  Viewing photos

                               C-1:                               Viewing photos in the Library

                               C-2:                               Performing basic photo adjustments

                               Topic D: 0  The Lightroom interface

                         D-1:                         Adjusting interface elements

                         D-2:                         Navigating by using shortcuts

                         Unit 2 :  The library

                               Topic A: 0  Sorting photos

                               A-1:                               Flagging photos

                               A-2:                               Rating and sorting photos

                               A-3:                               Stacking photos

                               A-4:                               Culling by using Survey view

                               Topic B: 0  Organizing photos

                               B-1:                               Assigning keywords

                               B-2:                               Manipulating keywords

                               B-3:                               Creating a collection

                               B-4:                               Adding photos to a Quick Collection

                               B-5:                               Finding photos

                               Topic C: 0  Group photo adjustments

                               C-1:                               Synchronizing photos

                               C-2:                               Manipulating metadata

                               Topic D: 0  Export options

                         D-1:                         Exporting photos

                         Unit 3 :  Developing photos

                               Topic A: 0  Basic adjustments

                               A-1:                               Applying presets

                               A-2:                               Adjusting white balance

                               A-3:                               Adjusting tonal range

                               A-4:                               Adjusting midtones

                               Topic B: 0  Managing adjustments

                               B-1:                               Working with the History and Snapshots panels

                               B-2:                               Comparing before and after versions of photos

                               Topic C: 0  Tone curves and color adjustments

                               C-1:                               Adjusting tones by using a tone curve

                               C-2:                               Adjusting shadows

                               C-3:                               Adjusting highlights

                               C-4:                               Adjusting specific colors

                               Topic D: 0  Grayscale and split toning

                               D-1:                               Converting a photo to grayscale

                               D-2:                               Split-toning a photo

                               Topic E: 0  Cropping and straightening

                               E-1:                               Cropping photos

                               E-2:                               Straightening photos

                               Topic F: 0  Detail adjustments

                              F-1:                              Controlling photo detail

                              Topic G: 0  Duplicating adjustments

                         G-1:                         Copying and pasting adjustments

                         G-2:                         Creating a Develop preset

                         Unit 4 :  Slideshows

                               Topic A: 0  Slide and backdrop settings

                               A-1:                               Viewing a basic slideshow

                               A-2:                               Adjusting slide options

                               A-3:                               Adjusting backdrop settings

                               A-4:                               Creating slideshow templates

                               Topic B: 0  Slide overlays and layout

                               B-1:                               Creating an identity plate

                               B-2:                               Adding an identity plate

                               B-3:                               Adding text overlays

                               B-4:                               Adjusting guides

                               Topic C: 0  Playback and export settings

                         C-1:                         Choosing playback settings

                         C-2:                         Viewing and exporting slideshows

                         Unit 5 :  Printing photos

                               Topic A: 0  Print layout

                               A-1:                               Adjusting basic print settings

                               A-2:                               Setting up a multi-photo layout

                               A-3:                               Setting up a specific size print

                               A-4:                               Saving settings to a template

                               A-5:                               Rotating prints

                               A-6:                               Setting up borderless prints

                               Topic B: 0  Output control

                         B-1:                         Choosing basic print settings

                         B-2:                         Printing with Lightroom-controlled color management

                         B-3:                         Printing with printer-controlled color management

                         Unit 6 :  Web galleries

                               Topic A: 0  Create a web gallery

                               A-1:                               Creating a basic web gallery

                               A-2:                               Adjusting gallery text

                               A-3:                               Customizing a web gallery

                               A-4:                               Adding information to photos

                               Topic B: 0  Output a web gallery

                                                                                                                                                                                           B-1:                                                                                                                                                                                           Previewing a web gallery

                                                                                                                                                                                           B-2:                                                                                                                                                                                           Uploading a web gallery