Acrobat X Pro:

Topic-Level Outline

                         Days:  1

          Prerequisites:  Windows 7: Basic or equivalent experience

                         Unit 1 :  Getting started

                               Topic A: 0  The Acrobat environment

                               A-1:                               Identifying the benefits of PDF documents

                               A-2:                               Exploring the Acrobat environment

                               A-3:                               Viewing and navigating a PDF document

                               Topic B: 0  Advanced navigation

                               B-1:                               Navigating with bookmarks

                               B-2:                               Navigating with links

                               B-3:                               Using split view

                               Topic C: 0  Finding text

                               C-1:                               Finding text by using the Find toolbar

                               C-2:                               Finding text by using the Search PDF window

                               C-3:                               Finding text by using OCR

                               Topic D: 0  Getting help

                               D-1:                               Finding information

                               Topic E: 0  Setting preferences

                         E-1:                         Setting Acrobat application preferences

                         Unit 2 :  Creating PDF documents

                               Topic A: 0  Printing to PDF from any application

                               A-1:                               Creating a PDF file by using the Print command

                               Topic B: 0  Acrobat PDFMaker

                               B-1:                               Using PDFMaker within Word

                               Topic C: 0  The Create PDF commands

                         C-1:                         Combining multiple documents in a PDF Portfolio

                         C-2:                         Managing PDF Portfolios

                         C-3:                         Creating a PDF document from a Web page

                         C-4:                         Discussing other Creative Suite applications

                         Unit 3 :  Modifying PDF documents

                               Topic A: 0  Moving document pages

                               A-1:                               Moving pages within a PDF document

                               A-2:                               Moving pages between PDF documents

                               Topic B: 0  Modifying content

                               B-1:                               Editing PDF document text

                               B-2:                               Formatting PDF document text

                               B-3:                               Inserting headers and footers

                               B-4:                               Inserting a watermark and background

                               B-5:                               Synchronizing page numbering

                               B-6:                               Creating a custom action

                               Topic C: 0  Moving PDF content to other programs

                               C-1:                               Copying a graphic to another program

                               Topic D: 0  Adding multimedia

                               D-1:                               Adding a video file

                               Topic E: 0  Optimizing PDF file size

                         E-1:                         Optimizing a PDF file

                         E-2:                         Reducing file size

                         Unit 4 Document navigation tools

                               Topic A: 0  Working with bookmarks

                               A-1:                               Testing automatically generated bookmarks

                               A-2:                               Adding a bookmark

                               A-3:                               Adding bookmarks from selected text

                               A-4:                               Modifying bookmark destinations

                               A-5:                               Arranging bookmarks

                               A-6:                               Formatting bookmarks

                               Topic B: 0  Working with links

                         B-1:                         Creating a link

                         B-2:                         Resizing and aligning links

                         B-3:                         Formatting text to look like a link

                         B-4:                         Creating links from selected text

                         Unit 5 :  PDF accessibility

                               Topic A: 0  Accessible documents

                               A-1:                               Adding tags to a PDF document

                               A-2:                               Checking the accessibility of a PDF document

                               A-3:                               Fixing accessibility problems

                               A-4:                               Modifying a tagged document’s reading order

                               A-5:                               Creating a new tagging structure

                               Topic B: 0  Accessibility in the Acrobat environment

                         B-1:                         Using the Accessibility Setup Assistant

                         B-2:                         Setting reading preferences

                         Unit 6 :  Document security

                               Topic A: 0  Password protection

                               A-1:                               Setting a Document Open password

                               A-2:                               Setting a Permissions password

                               Topic B: 0  Digital signatures

                               B-1:                               Creating a digital ID

                               B-2:                               Exporting a digital ID certificate file

                               B-3:                               Digitally signing a PDF document

                               B-4:                               Validating a signed document

                               B-5:                               Creating a blank digital signature field

                               B-6:                               Certifying a PDF document

                               Topic C: 0  Encryption certification and security envelopes

                               C-1:                               Encrypting a PDF file by using a certificate

                               C-2:                               Creating a security envelope

                               Topic D: 0  Adobe LiveCycle Rights Management ES encryption

                               D-1:                               Discussing Adobe LiveCycle Rights Management ES encryption

                               Topic E: 0  Password and certificate security policies

                         E-1:                         Creating a password security policy

                         E-2:                         Applying a security policy

                         Unit 7 :  Document review techniques

                               Topic A: 0  Document reviews

                               A-1:                               Discussing automated reviews

                               Topic B: 0  Reviewer tools

                               B-1:                               Adding notes

                               B-2:                               Specifying the reviewer’s author name

                               B-3:                               Adding drawing markups

                               B-4:                               Adding text markups

                               B-5:                               Adding a stamp

                               Topic C: 0  Managing comments and markups

  C-1:  Exporting comments and markups

  C-2:  Importing comments from multiple reviewers

  C-3:  Navigating comments from multiple reviewers

  C-4:  Creating a comment summary PDF file