Advanced, First Look
Topic-Level Outline
Days: 1
Prerequisites: Adobe
Illustrator CS5: Basic, or equivalent experience
Unit 1 : Manipulating paths
Topic A: Path commands
A-1: Cutting a hold in a shape
A-2: Outlining the stroke of a path
A-3: Offsetting a path
A-4: Using Pathfinder commands
A-5: Using the Eraser tool
A-6: Aligning and distributing path points
Topic B: Masks
B-1: Creating a clipping mask
B-2: Creating an opacity mask
Unit 2 : Enhancing fills and strokes
Topic A: Multiple fills and strokes
A-1: Creating multiple strokes
Topic B: Colors
B-1: Applying a spot color to a grayscale image
B-2: Creating a gradient mesh
B-3: Adjusting colors
B-4: Converting artwork to spot colors
Topic C: Patterns
C-1: Creating a pattern swatch
C-2: Applying patterns
C-3: Creating a seamless pattern
C-4: Transforming a pattern
Topic D: Brushes
D-1: Using the Brushes panels
D-2: Creating a pattern brush
D-3: Adjusting properties for an applied brush pattern
D-4: Using the Blob Brush tool
Topic E: Symbols
E-1: Using symbols
Unit 3 : Transforming shapes
Topic A: Using transformation tools
A-1: Shearing shapes
A-2: Reflecting shapes
A-3: Rotating shapes precisely
A-4: Using the Free Transform tool
A-5: Blending shapes
A-6: Using the Transform Each command
Topic B: Using envelopes
B-1: Creating an envelope
B-2: Editing an envelop
Topic C: Liquifying shapes
C-1: Using the Liquify tools
Topic D: Applying 3D effects
D-1: Revolving shapes
D-2: Mapping artwork to surfaces
D-3: Recording and playing an action
Unit 4 : Effects and graphic styles
Topic A: Effects
A-1: Applying an effect to a vector object
A-2: Applying an effect to a raster image
A-3: Applying distortion effects
A-4: Creating drop shadows
A-5: Using the Effect gallery
A-6: Editing an effect
Topic B: Graphic styles
B-1: Using graphic styles
Topic C: Perspective drawing
C-1: Drawing in perspective
Unit 5 : Converting raster images to vector art
Topic A: Tracing raster images
A-1: Autotracing a color raster image
A-2: Autotracing line art
Topic B: Using Live Paint
B-1: Using Live Paint to paint vector art
B-2: Selecting items in a Live Paint group
Unit 6 : Printing illustrations
Topic A: Color management
A-1: Setting up color management
Topic B: Print specifications
B-1: Printing a composite proof
Topic C: Color separations
C-1: Printing color separations
Unit 7 : Web files and graphs
Topic A: Slices
A-1: Viewing artwork in Pixel Preview
A-2: Creating slices
A-3: Manipulating slices
A-4: Naming slices
A-5: Creating a hyperlink
Topic B: Web graphics
B-1: Optimizing slices
B-2: Exporting artwork as a Web page
B-3: Previewing a Web page
B-4: Outputting artwork as a SWF file
Topic C: Graphs
C-1: Creating a graph