Production, First Look Edition
Days: 1
Prerequisites: Photoshop
CS5: Basic and Photoshop CS5: Advanced or equivalent
Unit 1 : Project management
Topic A: Project plans
A-1: Discussing project management
Topic B: Layer comps
B-1: Creating layer comps
B-2: Exporting layer comps
Topic C: Design principles
C-1: Discussing design principles
Unit 2 : Color management
Topic A: Color management basics
A-1: Examining RGB and CMYK gamuts
A-2: Examining color space differences
Topic B: Color space conversion
B-1: Opening images with mismatched profiles
Topic C: Printing with color management
C-1: Proofing colors onscreen
C-2: Printing with a color management profile
C-3: Proofing by using a simulated device
Unit 3 : Photographic techniques
Topic A: The camera raw format
A-1: Adjusting settings for camera raw images
A-2: Applying camera raw settings in Adobe Bridge
Topic B: Photographic adjustments
B-1: Applying photo filters
B-2: Matching colors in multiple images
Topic C: Lens adjustments
C-1: Correcting lens distortions
C-2: Simulating depth-of-field effects
C-3: Counteracting focus blur
Topic D: Merging images
D-1: Creating a panorama with Photomerge
D-2: Creating an HDR image
D-3: Viewing and converting an HDR image
Unit 4 : RGB image adjustments
Topic A: Color correction principles
A-1: Determining the necessary adjustments
Topic B: Measuring color
B-1: Setting up the workspace for measuring color
B-2: Locating shadows and highlights
Topic C: Automatic adjustments
C-1: Comparing automatic adjustment methods
C-2: Setting target points with eyedroppers
C-3: Correcting shadow and highlight problems
Topic D: Curves adjustments
D-1: Adjusting contrast with curves
D-2: Adjusting specific tones
D-3: Correcting flesh tones
Topic E: Hand-retouching color
E-1: Using the Burn tool to darken image areas
Topic F: Color replacement
F-1: Replacing a color throughout an image
F-2: Replacing a color by painting
Unit 5 : CMYK separations
Topic A: Prepress color settings
A-1: Discussing CMYK conversion
A-2: Choosing RGB and CMYK color spaces for prepress
A-3: Choosing custom CMYK ink options
A-4: Setting separation options
A-5: Separating an image
Topic B: CMYK image adjustments
B-1: Adjusting CMYK curves
Topic C: Sharpening
C-1: Applying the Unsharp Mask filter
Unit 6 : Grayscale and spot colors
Topic A: Grayscale conversion
A-1: Creating a grayscale image
A-2: Converting an image from RGB to Grayscale
Topic B: Spot-color images
B-1: Adding a spot-color channel
B-2: Saving a DCS file
Topic C: Duotones
C-1: Creating a duotone
C-2: Adjusting duotone curves
Unit 7 : Web and video images
Topic A: Web image size
A-1: Discussing Web image size
A-2: Downsampling images
A-3: Trimming images
A-4: Exporting an image with Zoomify
Topic B: Optimizing images for the Web
B-1: Optimizing with the JPEG format
B-2: Optimizing with the GIF format
Topic C: Fine-tuning quality
C-1: Optimizing to a target file size
C-2: Changing lossiness
Topic D: Creating transparency
D-1: Creating transparent GIF images
D-2: Choosing matte colors for GIF and JPEG images
D-3: Simulating partially transparent areas
Topic E: Preparing images for video
E-1: Viewing pixel aspect ratios
E-2: Creating an image for video
E-3: Scaling a square-pixel image for video