{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue102;} {\stylesheet{ Normal;}{\s1 heading 1;}{\s2 heading 2;}{\s3 heading 3;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind5\uc1{\*\background{\shp{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn fillType}{\sv 0}} {\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 13421772}} {\sp{\sn fillBackColor}{\sv 0}} {\sp{\sn fillFocus}{\sv 0}} {\sp{\sn fillBlip}{\sv {\pict\wmetafile0 }}}}}} \pard\s2\sb100\sa100\cf1\b\f0\fs36 SQL: Fundamentals of Querying (Fourth Edition)\par \pard\s3\sb100\sa100\fs27 Course Specifications\par \pard\fs20 Course number: \b0 085071\line\b Course length: \b0 1.0 day(s)\par \pard\s3\sb100\sa100\b\fs27 Course Description\par \pard\fs20 Course Objective: \b0 You will compose SQL queries to retrieve desired information from a database.\line\line\b Target Student: \b0 Individuals with basic computer skills, familiar with concepts related to database structure and terminology, and who want to use SQL to query databases.\line\line\b Prerequisites: \b0 Basic end-user computer skills and some familiarity with database terminology and structure are required. The following Element K courses or equivalent knowledge and skills are highly recommended: \par \pard\fi-360\li720\sb100\sa100\tx720\f1\'b7\tab\i\f0 Windows XP Professional: Level 1 \par \pard\fi-360\li720\sb100\sa100\i0\f1\'b7\tab\i\f0 Windows XP Professional: Level 2 \par \i0\f1\'b7\tab\i\f0 Microsoft Windows Vista: Level 1 \par \i0\f1\'b7\tab\i\f0 Microsoft Windows Vista: Level 2 \par \i0\f1\'b7\tab\i\f0 Relational Databases Design (Second Edition)\par \i0\f1\'b7\tab\i\f0 Access 2003: Designing a Database \i0\par \pard\s3\sb100\sa100\b\fs27 Hardware Requirements\par \pard\fi-360\li720\sb100\sa100\tx720\b0\f1\fs20\'b7\tab\f0 Minimum of 1 GB of RAM for each computer.\par \pard\fi-360\li720\sb100\sa100\f1\'b7\tab\f0 40 GB or larger hard-disk drive for each student and instructor computer with 1 GB of free space. \par \f1\'b7\tab\f0 Pentium IV 1 GHz CPU or higher.\par \f1\'b7\tab\f0 VGA or higher resolution video card and monitor.\par \f1\'b7\tab\f0 Mouse or compatible tracking device.\par \f1\'b7\tab\f0 12x (or faster) CD-ROM drive.\par \f1\'b7\tab\f0 Network adapter and network cabling.\par \f1\'b7\tab\f0 Display system to project the instructor\rquote s computer screen. \par \pard\s3\sb100\sa100\b\fs27 Software Requirements\par \pard\sb100\sa100\b0\fs20 Each computer requires the following software:\par \pard\fi-360\li720\sb100\sa100\tx720\f1\'b7\tab\f0 SQL Server\cf0\fs24\'99\cf1\fs20 2008 Standard Edition.\par \pard\sb100\sa100\f1\'b7\tab\f0 Microsoft\cf0\fs24\'ae\cf1\fs20 SQL Server Management Studio 2008\cf0\fs24\'99\cf1\fs20 for the instructor and each student. \par \pard\fi-360\li720\sb100\sa100\f1\'b7\tab\f0 Microsoft\cf0\fs24\'ae\cf1\fs20 Word\cf0\fs24\'ae\cf1\fs20 2003 or 2007 version.\par \pard\s3\sb100\sa100\b\fs27 Course Objectives\par \pard\b0\fs20 Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: \par \pard\fi-360\li720\sb100\sa100\tx720\f1\'b7\tab\f0 connect to the SQL Server database and execute a simple query. \par \pard\fi-360\li720\sb100\sa100\f1\'b7\tab\f0 include a search condition in a simple query.\par \f1\'b7\tab\f0 use various functions to perform calculations on data.\par \f1\'b7\tab\f0 organize data obtained from a query before it is displayed on-screen. \par \f1\'b7\tab\f0 retrieve data from tables.\par \f1\'b7\tab\f0 format an output, save a result, and generate a report.\par \pard\s3\sb100\sa100\b\fs27 Course Content\par \pard\fs20 Lesson 1: Executing a Simple Query\par \b0\par \pard\li720\b Topic 1A: \b0 Connect to the SQL Database \par \b Topic 1B: \b0 Query a Database \par \b Topic 1C: \b0 Save a Query \par \b Topic 1D: \b0 Modify a Query \par \b Topic 1E: \b0 Execute a Saved Query \par \pard\b Lesson 2: Performing a Conditional Search\par \b0\par \pard\li720\b Topic 2A: \b0 Search Using a Simple Condition \par \b Topic 2B: \b0 Compare Column Values \par \b Topic 2C: \b0 Search Using Multiple Conditions \par \b Topic 2D: \b0 Search for a Range of Values and Null Values \par \b Topic 2E: \b0 Retrieve Data Based on Patterns \par \pard\b Lesson 3: Working with Functions\par \b0\par \pard\li720\b Topic 3A: \b0 Perform Date Calculations \par \b Topic 3B: \b0 Calculate Data Using Aggregate Functions \par \b Topic 3C: \b0 Manipulate String Values \par \pard\b Lesson 4: Organizing Data\par \b0\par \pard\li720\b Topic 4A: \b0 Sort Data \par \b Topic 4B: \b0 Rank Data \par \b Topic 4C: \b0 Group Data \par \b Topic 4D: \b0 Filter Grouped Data \par \b Topic 4E: \b0 Summarize Grouped Data \par \b Topic 4F: \b0 Use PIVOT and UNPIVOT Operators \par \pard\b Lesson 5: Retrieving Data from Tables \par \b0\par \pard\li720\b Topic 5A: \b0 Combine Results of Two Queries \par \b Topic 5B: \b0 Compare the Results of Two Queries \par \b Topic 5C: \b0 Retrieve Data by Joining Tables \par \b Topic 5D: \b0 Check for Unmatched Records \par \b Topic 5E: \b0 Retrieve Information from a Single Table Using Joins \par \pard\b Lesson 6: Presenting Query Results\par \b0\par \pard\li720\b Topic 6A: \b0 Save the Query Result \par \b Topic 6B: \b0 Generate an XML Report \par \pard\b Appendix A: The OGCBooks Database\b0\par }