
Topic-Level Outline

                         Days:  1

          Prerequisites:  HTML5: Basic

                         Unit 1 :  Authoring guidelines

                               Topic A: 0  Planning a Web site

                               A-1:                               Discussing basic planning and design considerations

                               Topic B: 0  HTML5 authoring

                               B-1:                               Setting up a basic HTML5 document

                               B-2:                               Adding comments to markup and styles

                               B-3:                               Ensuring basic HTML5 support in outdated browsers

                               Topic C: 0  Content organization and structure

                               C-1:                               Discussing document outlines

                               C-2:                               Structuring a document with semantic elements

                               Topic D: 0  Basic SEO

                         D-1:                         Optimizing page titles and descriptions for SERPs

                         Unit 2 :  HTML5 forms

                               Topic A: 0  Interactive forms

                               A-1:                               Creating a form and applying labels

                               A-2:                               Creating email fields, checkboxes, and radio buttons

                               A-3:                               Setting input field size and limiting data length

                               A-4:                               Creating a password field

                               A-5:                               Controlling autofocus and autocomplete

                               A-6:                               Creating a text area field and placeholder text

                               A-7:                               Creating a select list

                               A-8:                               Defining option groups for a select list

                               A-9:                               Creating a data list and checking spelling

                               Topic B: 0  Data validation and error feedback

                               B-1:                               Creating required input fields

                               B-2:                               Requiring numeric data with limits

                               B-3:                               Validating input for a specific date format

                               Topic C: 0  Form structure and styles

                               C-1:                               Creating fieldsets and legends

                               C-2:                               Formatting fieldsets and legends

                               Topic D: 0  Form design considerations

                         D-1:                         Identifying best practices in form design

                         Unit 3 :  Audio and video

                               Topic A: 0  Embedding native audio

                               A-1:                               Applying native audio and enabling user controls

                               A-2:                               Setting audio attributes

                               Topic B: 0  Embedding native video

                         B-1:                         Applying native video and setting properties

                         B-2:                         Controlling data preload and creating a poster image

                         B-3:                         Embedding a video hosted on YouTube

                         Unit 4 :  CSS techniques

                               Topic A: 0  Styles that improve efficiency

                               A-1:                               Applying styles based on parent-child structure

                               A-2:                               Applying styles based on location and type

                               A-3:                               Alternating table row colors

                               A-4:                               Exploring style sheet efficiencies

                               Topic B: 0  Fonts in the cloud

                               B-1:                               Applying Google Web Fonts to your site

                               B-2:                               Applying shadow effects

                               Topic C: 0  Generated content

                         C-1:                         Generating content from a style sheet

                         C-2:                         Applying images as CSS content

                         Unit 5 :  Local storage and site testing

                               Topic A: 0  Editable content and local storage

                               A-1:                               Creating an editable content section

                               A-2:                               Saving user data in local storage

                               A-3:                               Rotating an element

                               Topic B: 0  Site testing basics

  B-1:  Discussing site testing and feedback